Yes. It is normal to expect every single black girl who ever pledged to have not made the group because their grades were bad.
Yes. It is normal to expect every single black girl who ever pledged to have not made the group because their grades were bad.
Karaoke? Now you're just talking in non sequiturs. That's ok. I really hope you take the time to read my most recent comment though. This means nothing to you because it obviously doesn't impact your life. But I would like to think that if you are a feeling thinking human being you would consider an impassioned…
So I have been really flip in response to your comments because of the next to zero possibility that you could actually grow from this exchange, but I do want to have one real moment:
Ok! Glad there's no confusion baby cakes!
Fucking idiots like you saying shit like that and then looking around like, "Why don't white people like me?"
This is incredibly disingenuous fyi. Mexican fast food is associated with "youth culture" and that's why it's not in VF. Ok. SMH.
The indifference to the effects of and complaints about racism, the dismissivness of Asians, and the lack of reading comprehension (I'm not Asian) are amazing here. You've outdone yourself.
I guarantee you I have never in my life lumped an ethnic group together and asked why "they" don't like me. Probably because ethnic groups are not monoliths. It seems like a question you seem ask yourself, however. Your lack of personal insight is stunning.
Lol. Where exactly am I getting "the fuck out" of? America? Odds my people were here first. That's a classic "you" thing to say though. Thanks for permission to move freely.
Since there isn't a comment here which address the cuteness of this baby without denigrating Kim or Kanye I'll make one so that others can star it without feeling complicit in negativity to which they don't personally subscribe:
Honestly, I'm at a point where I have no problem being called a race separatist.
This is not a zero sum game. Suggesting I think diversity at VF is the race issue of our time is an irresponsible straw man. Whether or not you personally care about Vanity Fair is irrelevant to it's continuing significant cultural impact. Your comment is both tone deaf and myopic.
Yes. So what? So what that Ebony has blacks on it's covers. It's a black magazine. It's what it purports to be. Vanity Fair of Vogue don't claim to be "white" magazines. They pretend to be for a racially general audience yet only pander to one race. Why would Town and Country suddenly start including articles on…
I'm confused. Yes, celebrities should own how much effort the put into staying thin/made up/perfectly groomed. However, it's also wrong to deny how much genetics play into it. Legs often aren't big because of fat. They are shapely because that's just your genes. Just like mine will never be fat no matter how fat I…
How do I audition. I am so serious. I really think I could be a value add. Please please please give me Barbara Walters' phone number!
Ok. So you are an idiot. You truly can't wrap your head around the fact that most magazines are "white" magazines by virtue of the fact that they only include white people. You really don't see (or refuse to see) that GQ is a white mag, Vanity Fair is a white mag, even trashy mags (even though white people are, of…
Also, Taco Bell and Chipotle are low budget "cheap" products, so no, one wouldn't expect them in a high end magazine. Are you suggesting that blacks are similarly low class and thus, shouldn't be featured in Vanity Fair?
I always wonder about comments like this. Are you really so stupid as to not understand that magazines like Ebony are a response to a lack of representation in "mainstream" (read "white") publications? I mean, are you?
LOL! Love it!