Kerry Washington is a good one.
Kerry Washington is a good one.
So the demographics of Vanity Fair's readership are influenced by the lack of diversity in their features!? Gasp.
Another reason to nominate Rihanna.
I didn't realize my anonymous internet comment was being "too hard on her." I guess I was distracted by all the explicit instances of actual racism I have to confront on a daily basis to ensure that no white girl ever felt bad for being held accountable for her ignorance. Please excuse me.
She can have the world's tiniest cookie. Like, one from the cookie crisp cereal box. :)
Except for that same girl assumed the black girls didn't make it because they "didn't have the grades" . . . based on what? The fact that they were black? GTFO.
I just figured they didn't make the grades. Until this year, I didn't realize that they were being automatically dropped after the first round. I feel really naïve now—I didn't really think racism existed in such a blatant way anymore."
Except the argument here is that they were "trying to be cholos."
Let me help you. You might not be aware of this because apparently you are beyond sheltered, but many (most?) gangs are racially divided. There are black gangs, Mexican gangs, Japanese gangs, Korean gangs, Irish gangs, Aryan gangs, Italian gangs etc etc etc. Each of these gangs has their own distinctive style. …
The choice to dress up as as Mexican gang rather than a white gang is not a race neutral choice. If you cant see that that particular style of dress is associated with Mexican gangs then there is no helping you. You just need to learn a little more about the world.
There's a little thing called context moron. If you cant see how a plaid shirt with only the top button buttoned is different from a flannel shirt worn over a band t-shirt with long greasy hair and airwalk sneakers are different, then you should probably learn a thing or two about life before commenting on highly…
Because they aren't dressed as Italian gangsters, or Japanese mobsters, or white "trailer trash" meth heads, or white Neo Nazis or black gang members (Bloods etc). They are specifically dressed in a style meant to evoke Hispanic gangs. If you are so dense as to not be able to see this, you shouldn't be allowed…
Ok. So you're doubling down on judging from a place of ignorance. That's your right. It's a pretty common theme around here.
Wait, I thought Tamryn went natural. . .
Ok. So they should lock their cat in a room for its last years rather than finding it a new home. Cool.
I was neutral on this guy (though disappointed in the lack of diversity). But having watched this clip I'm against him. Lots of gay jokes, some "women be like this" jokes, and a Jamaican accent. Not my jam.
Seriously? Cats can make babies. That's just prioritizing. They were having their first child fairly late in the game. How can you blame them for being cautious? Also, they found a home for it. They didn't put (it's old ass) down. How would you feel if they kept the cat and their kid got toxoplasmosis?
I'm super mad at that dumb black guy (as a black person), but to help him out, if he insists on being a "black dinosaur," clearly he should be Tyrone-auraus X.
Unsurprisingly, "My Parents Open Carry" is filled with wrong information.