
I beg your pardon, I LOVE lox. Especially with cream cheese on a fresh chewy bagel. Nom.

Not as good a resemblance as this:

Rihanna is beautiful. Iman is an icon. But I'll be damned if Naomi Campbell isn't one of the most beautiful women among all the most beautiful women who have ever lived.

>_< I like James Marsden. Also I freaking love 27 dresses *hangs head in shame*

Most of my teenage crushes (who were actually largely my male friends and acquaintances, not celebrities) turned out to be gay. I'm not sure why, lol.

Look, there's no indication that she's not perfectly in control right now. Are you really saying that because she's mentally ill, she's exempt from critique/mocking? That's pretty infantilizing.

I for one shall never forget. Because I have this action figure.

This is incredibly disingenuous fyi. Mexican fast food is associated with "youth culture" and that's why it's not in VF. Ok. SMH.

You looked at the covers, not the actual issues. Got it. The irony of your last sentence is blinding.

Yes they really are that stupid (and they brought a friend!) which is why I'm not gonna help you out because I'm too tired right now. But I did want to give you some kudos for a good explanation of the issue for anyone who's sense of how culture impacts and is impacted by society extends beyond the marketing 101

What's the proper response when a cat keeps attacking your boobs?

He bit her right in the boob! If it were me I'd do more than put him in the corner for a time out, as you would probably do. Geez, I hope you don't hurt yourself falling off your high horse.

she's not hitting him hard...he's fine.

Well, maybe only white people like wearing clothes. Have you thought of that? Huh? HUH?

What would you suggest she do?

are you serious? The cat is biting and scratching and attacking her. She waited a very long time before having enough and hitting it back.

Fuck that cat.

Exactly. These people are first selected for being more attractive, and then provided with the free time and money to maintain their looks, the same way a very good researcher is selected for a superior brain, and provided with the tools to learn more and more about their field. It is the way life is.

I would hit that thing if it was biting and clawing at my arms :(

They sort of already start out from a genetically blessed standpoint. I don't mean the ones famous for talent, I mean the ones who are on magazine covers, like Blake Lively. What does she have other than genetic luck and connections? Certainly not acting talent.