
One day I was sitting on the bus behind a girl with headphones on with a guy started calling her "Blondie," and just generally telling her how he'd like to get to know her. He wasn't particularly crude about it, but it was clear his attention was unwelcome. But he kept trying, and she kept replying in monosyllables

That is one unrealistically clean bathroom stall. Not even in a drunken stupor would I intentionally sit on the floor of a nightclub bathroom stall. Too many biological fluids, tampon wrappers and wet tissue down there for my taste.

hopefully never been used.


Thank you..also for us kinky curlies who wear the pineapple do' to bed...they will never ever be off trend.

Best part of her win: In the post run interview, she turned to her boyfriend who was a top ranked competitor who had already been knocked out before her and said "I couldn't have done this without you." He replied "Yes you could have, but I'm proud to be here with you." I had always thought he was a little douchey but

Um, did you just imply hippos are not graceful?

I don't watch this show all the time, but I do watch it on and off. It has made me cry a more than a few times. The choreography is just amazing!

Most important thing I got out of this article- Look how cute those little pink overalls are!

Yeah, but you realize this comment pretty much makes you THE MOST BITTER JEZZIE, right?

I think the fact that the African American woman here is instantly recognizable as FLOTUS and a Princeton/Harvard-educated BigLaw partner shines a new light on the absurdity that was school segregation. Also, given Michelle Obama's enormous success, the photo asks the viewer to ponder how many similarly able women

It's not "mean" to suggest that if you're unable to recognize the poignancy of the photograph, you are exactly the person who needs to be confronted by it. If you're truly on the right side of this issue and exercising proper allyship, you would not be irritated by the photo.

Excuse me, I believe there are some seats here that belong to you. Please take them.

Good point.

Would you be more comfortable if we all just pretended it never happened?

Not that this'll make a dent, but doit2julia! is right. You need to see it, obviously.


Did anyone really need to see the picture menu of the African American woman and the white woman standing below their respective signs?

The picture of the President sitting on the Rosa Parks bus is nice as well.

What do you mean 50 years ago?