
Ingore him/her/it. Just a troll passing in the night, temporarily infuriated by the word "Palestine."

She's never said a damn thing about anything other than her tits, ass and pot. What's your point? She can't start anywhere unless she starts where you think she should?

Bullshit. Absolute bullshit created by empire building countries like england and spain. Fuck you and your distorted bullshit version of "reality". Moron.

Kate: I think Pak's quote has been unfairly taken out of context here.

I do think they were awkward, but "That's a very plausible story. That can happen at parties" referred to the fact that, at first, her friend lied and said that her clothes were messed up because she (the friend) put her clothes back on while she was blackout drunk because she threw up on herself—not that her getting

My best wishes to Jada in getting through this. I hope she is getting the support that she needs.

They should've given the honest answer. "We still live in a society where straightness is the default, and that any other form of sexuality in a character is still considered 'edgy'. We want to make this character more digestible to network execs and/or mainstream audiences". That answer wouldn't make me happy, but at

A million times this. If it "doesn't matter" then he might as well just be bi, right? Right.

Of course Constantine's bisexuality isn't pivotal to his character. At the same time, neither is the straightness of 99% of straight characters out there. The problem here is that we're still assuming a default, and considering the alternative only if it "matters".

Why on Earth is a show like this interviewing a rape victim?! Who thought this was a good idea?

This shot always makes me grimace uncomfortably.

I love the contortions GoT fans go through to defend this

Nice acid-wash jeans...

This woman also looks (to me, at least) like she may well be a white girl in blackface?

I had the same thought when I watched this episode. Look! The nice white lady is here to save the sad, poor brown people! I'm kind of surprised the director / editor didn't think that this image would make people uncomfortable.

I would say, based on my (granted, fairly limited) experience in a semi-high-end hotel restaurant with really cool decor, that the constant instagramming and picture taking definitely adds some time to the meal.

But the pics were really crappy BEFORE the photoshop. That is what the writer is getting at. Lauded photographer, Terry Richardson, is actually no better than a toddler with a disposable camera. These would be too BLURRY to publish with out PS.

The fact that he gets paid to take these blurry, no-technique, bullshit disposable-camera-looking pictures makes me want to set things on fire. Even if he wasn't a total shit as a person, he should not be employed in anything involving photography.

I love her clothes. Probably more than I like any other thing about her. Also, she has legs for days. I'm all green with envy.