Black Mask

Unless the rest of the book is a mea culpa about the many ways she spectacularly fucked her own campaign up—including how she deliberately attempted to torpedo Sanders’ campaign—I’d say she hasn’t learned a damn thing about what happened last November.

Uh, it’s not the ‘mere presence’ that is the problem. It’s that she is dividing the party further by outright blaming Bernie for her loss.

I don’t think Velocirapstar has ever been a die hard Bernie fan. In fact if you read what they wrote they very clearly like Clinton, and wish she would be more active politically as a way to use her years of political knowledge to help the democrats in 2018 and 2020. He’s lamenting that she’s reppin’ a book instead.

I don’t begrudge her for it, but if she really is blaming Bernie for her loss—to Donald Goddamn Mothafucking Trump—than she needs to take a long, hard look in the mirror before before she writes her next book.

Many of them are.

Uh, it’s not the ‘mere presence’ that is the problem. It’s that she is dividing the party further by outright blaming Bernie for her loss. He challenged her in a primary, that’s what happens. She is literally the only candidate in recent history who has complained about having to be primaried. If anything, Bernie

“As reported in an uncharacteristically snarky Deadline story”

Oh Lord where to start.

Unlike some other commenters here I don’t begrudge Clinton staying in public life. She could help us move forward and heal the divisions on the left in a way few else could, helping to unite progressives, centrist Dems, and persuadable independents. But instead of doing that, she’s looking back, reopening instead of

Remember how in 2005 we all gave a fuck what John Kerry had to say about anything? Yeah, me neither.

Just go the fuck away. All three Clintons need to retire from public life and let us breathe in peace. I’m so tried of The Little Rock Kennedys ruining The US.

This seems to be the most exciting creative choice that Fox has made with the X-Men franchise outside of hiring Noah Hawley for Legion.

It’s a damn shame how little Goddard has gotten to do. He made a huge mistake ditching Daredevil for fucking Sinister Six. Hopefully something actually comes of this.

i mean honest to fucking god, liberals deserve trump when they freak out about Bill Maher

Come one now. Yes he said something offensive, but nothing that’s even in the same league as the KKK. He made an ‘innocent’ joke in rather poor taste, that’s it. That illustrates the whole point that has riled me up somewhat. Maher is nothing but an example. He’s unimportant. It’s the extreme touchiness of so many

Yes, he said something offensive. So what? That’s the whole shtick of so many comedians. They try to balance the line of just barely acceptable offensive jokes and sometimes they cross that line. If you personally find it so outright offensive you can’t take him serious anymore you can choose to not watch his

Methinks you missed the sarcasm.

Exactly. This kind of absurd faux outrage and liberal puritanism only pushes people away. I’m about as left as it gets politically and I still find this stuff obnoxious. I can only imagine what right wingers think of it.

Stupid HBO.

Fundamental libertarianism is very unpopular on the American left, I wish this were not the case as someone who believes people have the right to live without oppression from private or public aspects of the state.