Black Mask

The Violent Crime and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 included a Federal Assault Weapons Ban, the Violence Against Women Act (including the creation of National Domestic Violence Hotline), guidelines for tracking sex offenders, additional protection for abortion providers and patients, and expanded funding for community

What a pleasant sight to see a major media company like HBO ignore the cries for blood from the perpetually outraged. Good for them!

Maybe I am - doesn’t mean I’m wrong, though :)

I would never defend racism, as you well know, and there’s nothing creepy about people being open about their sexuality. So,

Holy crap, you’re right!

Kinda hard to disagree with him though. She’s very beautiful.

Oh, so you don’t have a counter-argument?

The whole point of ‘rule of law’ is that you don’t get to pick and choose which ones you feel are ‘just’ and ‘moral’. Or do you ‘feel’ that Kentucky clerk who denied same-sex couples their marriage licenses two years back also had the right to say “fuck unjust, immoral and reprehensible laws, so who gives a shit about

Hey, I live to serve.

I applaud the enthusiasm with which you try to obfuscate the issue, but you are wrong. We are specifically talking about people eligible for DACA, so you might have spared yourself the trouble of writing whole paragraphs about visa overstay and visa fraud victims, since neither are relevant to the discussion. The

Well-argued! *claps*

I have argued my point very well. But I can’t help it if you’re being (willfully?) obtuse. It’s not *that* hard to grasp that supporting strict immigration laws is not the same as supporting people waving Nazi flags, right? Right?

*Ahem* since DACA confers neither amnesty nor immunity (merely ‘deferred action’), technically those Dreamers aren’t ‘law-abiding’: at the end of the day they’re still illegal immigrants, right?

Oh awesome, I didn’t know that! Thanks for the useful info, buddy.

All those are excellent ideas, and the moment the AV Club starts publishing articles about the deplorable state of America’s infrastructure or social and mental health structures (both bipartisan productions, by the way), I will jump into those discussions with gusto. But supporting a good idea (strict immigration

Funny, by electing Donald Trump those 60 million people are kind of doing that to you, metaphorically punching you in the face day in day out for the next three and a half years (probably seven and a half -_-).

I’m not advocating for a ‘nuanced approach’ to people marching with fucking Nazi flags, I’m advocating a nuanced approach to the millions of your fellow Americans who think differently than you do about immigration, not out of prejudice but because of the very social and economic issues we’ve been discussing. If your

Oh, well if there’s a system of fines in place, then clearly the system must be working flawlessly and no large-scale flaunting of the law could ever take place - because fines are the ultimate deterrent and government oversight is perfect and all-encompassing.

I think the point you’re missing is that when left-wing politicians talk about ‘making it easier for people to immigrate legally’ they explicitly mean: “let’s import more people who will vote for us”, which seems neither wise nor noble to me.