Black Mask

Actually, the tenets of Nazism revolve around racial hierarchy/superiority, antisemitism, opposition to gender equality, the importance of the collective over the individual and a whole bunch of other prejudiced evil crap. The Nazis went after the legal citizens of Germany and the European countries they occupied

Guilt by Association: attempting to discredit an idea, person or belief by associating it with an undesirable group or person.

But surely there are also many poor people living in the major cities that attract so many, many illegal immigrants? Sanctuary cities like Los Angeles, NYC, New Orleans, Chicago, Detroit (!) and Washington, D.C. all have huge social problems and significant percentages of low-income legal citizens, right?

Why would I leave the thread?

Those examples being from 12+ years ago is because they’re from an article that argues that liberals have lost their way (or at least their willingness to discuss and debate a variety of points of view) on immigration in the past decade. It’s not bad, I recommend you give it a read:

Yes, a clear and precise elucidation of my commitment to a free and open society of laws is a clear sign of me sitting here at my desk sobbing away, barely holding it together. You sure got me!

DACA was never anything but a stopgap measure (even President Obama admitted as much). If you build your house on quicksand, don’t be surprised if it sinks...

Considering that I am far more knowledgeable about myself than you, your ‘feeling’ isn’t so much a subject of discussion worth refuting or denying - unless you consider a meaningless game of “am too!” “nuh-uh!” an argument worth having, which...actually would not surprise me at all.

“The people supporting “immigration reform” right now are people who march with Nazi flags and torches.” ...aaaand that’s where you lose me.

Considering that the 1920s are literally only a few years removed from being over a century ago, we can safely assume that any person who immigrated legally to the US in living memory can now scratch themselves behind the ears and wonder why they submitted themselves to an arduous, bureaucratic and costly ordeal when

Well, there’s nothing easier than casting aspersions on the motives and character of the people you disagree with politically. Maybe try actually engaging with the issues next time? Just a thought.

Those incidents in a single state don’t really invalidate my broader points about the US’ immigration policy in general, do they? That doesn’t mean they’re not issues worth taking seriously: though I don’t think that carrying an ID at all times is a terrible burden (it’s actually required by law in my country as well).

That’s a fair point that I do agree and sympathize with partially, though I can also understand the counter-argument that by making it all about “won’t anyone think about the children?!” (insert Simpons image here) you’re incentivizing the usage of children as a strategy to attain citizenship illegally.

My country (the Netherlands) has a considerably higher standard of living and education than yours, outside a few ultra-rich, under-taxed coastal enclaves, plus a nation-wide social safety net actually worth the name and laws regarding drugs, LGBTQ issues, abortion and euthanasia that have always been more progressive


It's nice to see the AV Club staff has as much trouble letting go of Disqus as the commentariat.

Absolutely. You disagree?

Yeah, or Netflix. It was only one of the best shows of the past decade, after all…

I blame Stan Lee. Golden Age Joss Whedon was a square-jawed, all-American hero with a full head of hair who was exclusively interested in holding hands with his girlfriend, thank you very much.

Is…is it too late to do that third season of The Knick instead, please? Pretty please?