Black Mask

Sure, Kevin Smith tells her that she gives him a boner and we defend him. But I tell her she gives me a boner and she asks me how I got in her trunk.

Strange. Never noticed it before, but she could pass for Adrianne Palicki’s sister flawlessly.

No response to the actually well argued reply you got? Just drop down to the easy one?

I’m giving Inhumans a shot. That huge dog is too much cuteness to pass up.

Marvel has had pretty decent success finding directors who can add something while still making a recognizably Marvel movie. Lucasfilm needs to walk over and ask them about it.

Now playing

Not to mention, DACA was INTENDED TO BE TEMPORARY from day one.

Except... DACA is unconstitutional. And Obama knows it was unconstitutional. He did it anyway. Because that’s the kind of thing he would often do.

Indiana Jones and the Chinese Box Office

That’s going to make absolutely no one very disappointed.

This is a strawman argument used by Progressive/Regressive Left to label the other side as “racist.”

There are little to no difference in the Regressive Left and the Social Conservatives, from a practical (not ideological) standpoint. They are the fringes of their ideology, and they often resort to ad hominem attacks when they don’t get their way or people question their beliefs.

Fixed it for you.

Here’s the thing so many people, especially here, can’t seem to wrap their head around:

That entire passage is absolute bollocks. You can’t name a time Clinton changed her position because of her financial backing from banks because she already had the fucking policy positions they wanted. Why would she need to change?

Man, I wish I could be as optimistic as you. Unless the Left can get over itself and start getting behind (and this is key) an actual candidate and not try to be cute and say Anybody But Trump 2020 (lol), we are fucked the same way were were fucked in 2004. Hoping Trump will die....well...that isn’t exactly a plan,

I'm with you on everything but Walt and Jesse, because Walt was too toxic for a real, honest relationship with anyone.

That's not the point. I think if someone wrote an article on how the best love stories on TV are about men, we'd have plenty of argument over that too, Deservedly.

I also agree. The crux of this article almost seems to be the reverse of 'Bros before hoes'. I think it's great to see female characters finally being written with depth and subtlety, but to claim they are the best relationships on TV is to ignore all the great man/man relationships we've been watching for years.

Agreed. It would have been fun to break things down into platonic categories (buddies: Troy & Abed, mentor: Don & Peggy, partners: McNulty & Bunk Sherlock & Joan).

This just in:
Female author prefers T.V. shows about females.