Black Mask

The European version of [x] superior to the American version? You don't say!

Weekend At Bernie's is one of my favorite comedies of all time, so this was an unexpected delight to read. Though this interview did contain about 95% less cocaine-snorting and bikini-stealing anecdotes than I would have expected from an '80s icon like McCarthy.

I can most definitely argue that My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy isn't one of the best albums of this century. It wasn't even one of 2010's best albums. It is, in fact, not a very good album: uneven, overwrought and at its core, deeply empty.

We don't agree often, Ghost of Eazy E, but on this I stand with you one hundred percent.

Considering that Tony Stark was an extremely public figure in the Marvel Universe even before he became Iron Man, it's not unimaginable that Marvel Universe Ghostface Killah named himself after a splashy business tycoon (see also: the many, many references in Hip Hop songs to Donald Trump, pre-2016).

Anybody in their teens and twenties listening to any of those nu-metal bands at the time instead of Hip Hop was essentially wasting their time, and is still clutching at straws to deny that simple fact.

It pains me to say this (because I am a life-long Doonesbury super-fan and Alpha House was a great little show), but fuck Garry Trudeau. I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive him for his mindbogglingly dumb, utterly immoral speech condemning the *murdered* Charlie Hebdo cartoonists for 'punching down'.

He also looked pretty good on ALPHA HOUSE.

Awww, and here I expected he would commemorate the anniversary's of his wife's death by hiring Eliza Dushku to be his wife for the day :(

Yes, I too like that thing!

Maybe because the average PKD hero is a thrice-divorced, chain-smoking, drug-addled serial cheater and cuckold who's unsure whether to save Earth or help the aliens destroy it to get back at his bitch of an ex-wife?

A bunch of my favorite people working together to adapt some of my favorite stories by one of my favorite writers? YES PLZ

Wellll, no. Gotham is actually a consistently fun and entertaining show.

Ah, good, apologies. English is not my native tongue, hence the occasional confusion.

I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to say.

That is because conservatives are better at recognizing the inherent benefits of shared traditions and culture that bind people together into a strong, cohesive nation.

The book is a good read too.

A miniseries called *Generation Kill* - yeah, that doesn't sound overly preachy at all, does it?

Hmmm, not really that awkward in the context of the wider Cold War and the complex, post-Islamic Revolution Middle East. Anyway, I don't see how that would affect the terminology either way.

Hey man, take that back.