Black Mask

It's a bit of a cold comfort, but this process of renamed recent wars causing older wars to slowly be forgotten isn't new. Take for instance the 'first' Gulf War - before Saddam's invasion of Kuwait, 'the Gulf War' referred to the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s. And that was a massive, WW1-style conventional conflict

Yeah, but only because he was still thinking about Batman VS Superman while doing so.

But does a good film about the Iraq War necessarily have to critique modern warfare? I am for 'war is hell' movies, but let's face it, it is a bit of a cliche.

Anybody else miss Nacho? I keep expecting him to become a bigger part of the show.

Just watched that video you're referring to.

Well, good for them, but as a huge fan of the source material, I can't say the show is very impressive. It's entertaining enough, but it's not true to the spirit of the characters or the story from the comic book.

*grumble* he better make time in his busy 'Space Tail' filled schedule to appear in Legion Season 2, is all I'm saying.

It means TheLion in Dutch.

Why is Patrick Stewart in this?

Yeah, I really hope Scalped will be better than Outsiders and Manhattan. The comic is so good, why can't HBO or AMC have picked up the rights?

Excruciatingly bad could still be entertaining in a flaming trainwreck kind of way. Outsiders was more 'blandly mediocre' or 'competently dull'.

"Dickie Slapnutz" perfectly encapsulates the horror of a non-Punch Drunk Love Adam Sandler movie in two words, perfectly. Thank you!

And Rockmond Dunbar!

What a colossal waste of the not-inconsiderable combined talent of Aaron Paul, Michelle Monaghan and Hugh Dancy. How a show about brainwashing, group-think and cults can be so utterly pedestrian and boring is beyond me.

Christ almighty, what a jackass.

Yeah, Brolin is fine, but he just lacks that 'wow' factor that Michael Shannon has in spades.

Now this is a gimmick account I can get behind.

There's nothing wrong with a little eye-candy of the cheese- or beefcake variety.

Oh, I can wax poetically all night long 'til the break of dawn about the thuggish ruggishness of Tupac, AKA Makaveli the Don Killuminati (gotta love 90s nicknames).

Damn, Ghost, why you hatin' on Pac.