Black Mask

The Americans isn't a procedural, and it's a show all about consequences. Give it another shot, it's the only contender Better Call Saul has for Best Show Currently On, and definitely God Tier in terms of acting, atmosphere and intricately crafted plots.

Are you crazy the music for this trailer was amazing!

Rubicon was definitely an interesting show, wish that would've gotten a little more time to find an audience.

I thought Captain America unmasked Richard Nixon as the leader of the Secret Empire, prompting Cap to become Nomad in disgust.

Are you honestly arguing that Islamic fundamentalist terror attacks aren't a problem because almost a century ago there were Nazis? What, they can't *both* be bad?

Well, considering that this seems to be a thread full of well-meaning people sharing experiences with one religious group (to put it bluntly, American liberals bitching about Christians, you yourself included), I would share a similar set of experiences with a different religious group - to maybe foster a bit of

Nice diatribe, but essentially more whataboutery. You're still replying to my original point, which was that Islamic fundamentalism is a threat to Western societies. Your reply to that point boils down to 'but so is Christian fundamentalism' - which, even if that were true, does really nothing to contradict or refute

All true, but none of your whataboutery invalidates the fact that Khomeini was a bad dude who presided over the creation of an actual *theocracy*, an Islamic fundamentalist dictatorship that brutally oppresses its own citizens. I don't have a problem denouncing that as a capital-B Bad Thing, do you?


You're right. I guess I wrote that more in response to the original line in the review (which just jumped out at me as being more than a little misguided) than your point, which is a point I agree with. Apologies - these attacks here in Europe have a way of getting under your skin after a while.

Theo van Gogh was a Dutch film director and writer and the great-grandson of the Theo van Gogh (Vincent's brother) you're talking about. He was murdered in my hometown of Amsterdam (a few streets from where I grew up) in 2004 by a Muslim fundamentalist for making a movie critical of Islam.

No, I made exactly that mistake reading this review.

It got axed. Dennis Perkins actually dropped by the comment thread of the final review for a few weeks to give his thoughts on new episodes, but even those only drew a handful of remaining fans. Still, pretty classy on Perkins' part.

Uh-huh, between London, Stockholm, Nice, Berlin, Paris, Madrid, Brussels, Toulouse, the murder of Theo van Gogh, the killings of atheist bloggers in Bangladesh, 9-11, London again, etc. etc. I don't really think Islamic fundamentalists need my help to prove that they're evil.

I don't think it's evil at all, but I think it's rather glaringly obvious that there is a strand of Islamic fundamentalism (which includes Khomeini, by the way - let's not forget that his revolution resulted in an Iran where *gay people are stoned to death for their sexuality*) that is definitely a threat to Western

Meanwhile, in Stockholm…

Oh, that's nice…does that mean Powerless has started sucking less? I'm kind of done with lame Batman jokes told by Mean Abed.

Upvoted for reminding me that in this cold and uncaring universe, the Middleman exists.

I don't think we're quite there yet - so far, this doesn't seem to have been done 'on a whim' and it's certainly not insane. That doesn't mean I'm not worried, though.

It's nice that he 'concentrated his energies on fixing the economy' but nobody forced him to pursue shitty deals with Iran and Cuba, a useless and ultimately utterly naive 'reset with Russia' or an empty 'pivot to Asia'. Furthermore, sometimes there are international crises that demand an appropriate response in the