
Well damn, a bunch of other people went and replied to the moron and now the comment is no longer pending approval.

Like Tom Cruise?

Uh-huh. And what is your ‘non-sexist’ reason for objecting to the casting of a woman in the role of a regenerating alien Time Lord?


I want to reply to a moronic comment, but I don’t want to help the moron get out of the greys, so I’m doing it with this comment instead.

I actually heard someone say “Is she gonna be the Doctress?” as though anyone ever calls a female doctor a doctress.

A golden example of a “downhill since (name of person) left” site.

- The A.V. Club

I’m baffled by the choices of the writers.

Agree on being surprised by that. From how the effects of “Jingle Jangle” have been talked up, it seemed more like something that you would freebase

I will be disappointed if there is not more sexy dance fighting this season, though it will be hard to top Veronica v. Cheryl from last season.

Agree. I know it’s a teen soap opera and all, but killing off mainstay comics characters just doesn’t feel right. (Well, except for not-Grundy)

Not making a big enough deal about how much IT OWNS? I agree.

Someone call the Upright Citizens Brigade, because Supercool has hit the streets of America’s most wholesome town.

Right! I was so excited to see her. Seems like such a waste of a classic character. Maybe she’ll just be hurt or in a coma? I fully want there to be a new Midge every season of Riverdale. Although disposing of Midge and Moose so quickly does remind me of the Afterlife with Archie comics...

And there was Cheryl’s dramatic entrance of the week

I hope we get some reaction from Kevin regarding Moose’s murder. They might not have been friends, but they were fuck buddies when the show started.

I’m loving this purge.

This is the sort of thing just makes me want to drink myself into a coma.

Now if they would give a good hard look into all those Dan Schneider rumors...

God, me too.