
I’m starting to suspect you aren’t even a fan of this show and just wanted to complain about a Black actor

When was it horrible and forced

you sound mad

did it ever occur to you that maybe this guy had the best audition and that’s why he was cast

Are you stupid or something 

Godawful? Throw this entire site away

you thinking indian people are the same as horsemen and mexican robots say a lot about you

the show hasn’t been funny in years and none of you even watch it anymore

Hank Azaria is handling the Apu thing better than a lot of you

2 episodes ago Jughead said to Betty “oh so are you warming up to our half-brother now?”

Why the fuck is Toni still dating Cheryl

I thought the Black National Anthem was the Good Times theme song.

At the time Ghost Tucky made me cry


Seriously it feels him and Larry get more shit than the way more loathsome characters.

I love them as a couple

Oh god

If you know one of or a number of the guards are sneaking shit in, why would you then have those same guards be the ones to do the sweep?

“I’m not sure every ICE agent is a mustache twirling villain”

The child trial scenes fucked me all the way up. the fuck is wrong with this place