I would hope grown ass adults would realize how ridiculous and cruel doing this is.
I would hope grown ass adults would realize how ridiculous and cruel doing this is.
“virtue-signaling” take a shot
they aren’t even trying with the timeline
I kind a kept waiting for Morello’s casual/blatant racism to eventuslly fade away as she interacted more with people who didn’t look like her, (remember her friendship with Suzanne a couple seasons ago? Don’t think the show does) but nope
deadass thought they turned Simmons into a chronicom for like 3 minutes
“the chronicoms believe SHIELD is the only thing that can stop them”
I also appreciate the rare lesson that sometimes you can’t forgive someone and it is what it is
Don’t get me wrong, what Cindy did was way(x1,000,000,000) worse and she deserves it, I just wasn’t expecting Taystee to be that savage
My jaw dropped when they revealed what Taystee did
This is fucked
Remember when they tried to convince us that this show was a comedy
Shippers are mad annoying tho. I mean hey, I ship too, but damn
I think the comic actually did move Buffy to San Fran
It took way too much effort to beat Salinger’s punk ass
does the FBI have no actual agents they could’ve sent into The Farm
they finally get the feds and they not only arrest mama lodge, they enlist two children
Toni, You went to the person who sent your girlfriend to a gay conversion place for help?
You know