
How about respecting, oh, I don’t know - people? Other humans? Would anyone rush into a burning building to save a flag? No. Would anyone donate their kidney to nation state? No. So why are they asking us to respect something that is empirically less important than other human beings?

Well, self-loathing is a thing..

Satire is also often about broad strokes , bro!

Man. I will tell you what.

I’ve been following Anthony Fantano for years and I stopped following him when he started his anti-SJW “meme shit” with his thisistheplan videos. I’m disappointed that a man who helped popularise bands like Death Grips would make content that goes against the message of bands like Death Grips.

My instinct is to object to this headline because, without knowledge of the shooter’s motivation, using the word “terrorist” may not be accurate.

That was one of the few times he actually read a prepared statement and didn’t go off message. Cue all the talking heads who will now say he’ s turned a corner and is now Presidential because he read something and held off from interjecting what he really wants to say.

Remember when wingnuts got their panties in a wad because Obama called Benghazi an “act of terror” and not a “terrorist act”? It’s almost as if when the attacker is white, then it’s a “lone wolf” and definitely not terrorism.

Yeah but he’s not brown so according to this handy reference card he must be actually mentally disturbed.

I assume you mean, “‘No Way to Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens”?

It’s hard to capture the cadence of a malignant narcissist with undiagnosed dementia.

It doesn’t matter what his motivation was, it was an act of terror because he shot over 500 people and killed more than a tenth of those. There is no cause other than terror; he was prepared, these people were strangers to him and he did not see their faces.

“Silencers for guns are the best way to combat terrorism. If people don’t hear the gun going off they’ll be less afraid.”

That Onion article gets truer and truer after every mass shooting. Largest mass shooting in the US, for now, and all the thoughts and prayers in the world aren’t going to prevent the next easily avoidable tragedy.

Seriously, I’m less put-off by Tim Allen being conservative and more being put-off that he’s such an ungrateful crybaby. Two syndicated sitcoms to his name? He’s made in the shade. We should all be so lucky.

King of the Hill is kind of hard to enjoy nowadays, since despite all knowledge the show gives you about Hank’s overwhelming goodness he still votes Republican, which they confront on the show a grand total of one time when a local homeless guy complains about Reaganomics costing him his job 20 years ago and Hank just

He LITERALLY compared being a conservative in Hollywood to being a Jew in the Third Reich. I don’t think perspective or empathy is his strong point.

Why would he ever stop playing the victim? Playing the victim has been great for the conservative movement. They whine that liberals are biased, or unfair, or snobs eating caviar and looking down on the simple working folk, like the millionaire entertainer who liberal Hollywood keeps putting in everything, and who

The show was on for SIX YEARS! That’s a terribly long time. It’s already syndicated on a number of a channels. ABC cancelled the show because they had beaten all the life they could have out of this dead horse. Stop playing the victim for a long running show coming to an end.