
Welp, looks like the people who thought social media would be the death of us all really were right. Bummer.

This again? The context of the two situation is very different.

A few months ago I largely dismissed all of this as empty talk and saber rattling. Since then Trump has denied reality on a number of issues over and over again, he’s proven to be ill-informed, easily provoked, short tempered, completely unhinged, and totally surrounded by yes-men and/or people to afraid to stand up

I hate this shit.

North Koreans have suffered for generations under some of the worst civil rights oppression in the world. Trump isn’t the right person to take them on, but SOMETHING needs to be done.

This is the Duela Dent cosplay criticism all over again:

these right-wing gamergate/alt-right/whatever fuckheads are basically the new Taliban. They pretty much want women to only be in the kitchen, bedroom, or in the porn they fap to. they don’t want women involved and active in their lives otherwise.

I have coined the term cuckophobia for these people. So scared of becoming lesser in relationships that they think that anything empowering to women is poison.

They can hide behind a keyboard and talk mad shit. But I bet if you catch them at a Con and roll up on them, they’ll flee like shit.

...What I find funny is that these idiots have no idea how crazy awesome we nerd chicks are. Know what I gave my husband for his birthday? I saved up 1,200 and took him to a retro gaming convention and just set him loose. We play games together. We go to awesome movies together. We just hang out and crack jokes.

I know right!! If I have to listen to one more whistling little assfart tell me he’ll stop team killing me when I “Giv him dem digets”, I’m gonna scream.

Entitlement that’s soured into hatred. They didn’t “get” girls in school or whatever (as though women are prizes or cookies to be handed out) and basically never got over the idea that they “deserve” not only female companionship but a blend of virgin, geisha and underwear model who really wants a threesome anytime

Simple case of jealousy that these women can do what the dickless men cannot.

Why the fuck is it impossible for these gutless fucks to let women do anything.

Just want to chime in as another man who thinks you completely wrong

“Easily the weakest”?

The best explanation I heard was this. So many of these guys are the basement dwelling stereotypes you read about, the ones who can’t get a date. They’ve convinced themselves that it’s because they like comics and SF and fantasy and nerdy things that girls don’t get. Now, with more and more women becoming fans and

You could ask that gutless fuck, The Big Shoe, above. He certainly knows.

Because they can’t date one, and this is their lowest common denominator way, of acting out their frustration. It’s absolutely sickening.

If there are women who have interests similar to theirs but women still don’t want to have anything to do with them, then maybe there is another reason that women don’t want to have anything to do with them.