
Rick Moranis isn’t in it, but after his wife passed away, he retired from acting (at the height of his career no less) to become a stay-at-home dad so his kids could always come home to a parent after school. Which is so awesome that I can’t be mad at him for not doing any more movies with his comedic talent.

I somehow obtained the key to the dispenser in my high school and would just hand them out. The thick as hell pads left a lot to be desired though.

Please. If anyone was robbed, it was Katya.

Several halloweens ago, I was at a house party with a few friends and lots of people I didn’t know. I walked into the bathroom and walked right in on a nun giving a BJ to Jesus while he was drinking a glass of wine and smoking a cig.

Mentioning the 9/11 gift shop always makes me think of this.

Once again, dogs are better than humans.

I’m just going to assume that they were high. Like, really high.

*comes to Kitchenette*

Also, I’m glad to see she’s not letting her education get in the way of her ignorance.

All the men I’ve dated/been friends with are super emotional and fall in love quickly. In my experience, looking at all my girl friends, men want commitment faster than women. All my married friends had boyfriends who wanted marriage and babies in the first months and had to spend a lot of time convincing their female

Oh my god I’m so glad there’s a space for me to express how stupid this article is. It’s literally the exact same article papers have been writing about rich white kids in Manhattan since the 1920s, updated each year to include the new technology and trend.


i’m genuinely concerned about how hard some of my gay friends are going to party this weekend.

I suppose I’m an eternal optimist. When weak little men who thrive on making women feel small have no other venue to vent their self-inflicted misery than writing vulgar messages on the internet, that’s progress. The fewer of these creatures get access to any kind of power, the better. Unlike weak little men in less

you put your right foot in you put your right foot out you put your right foot in...SLUT!!!


You’re right, he’s not as committed as the werewolf from twilight.

They’re not nearly as bad as the people who tell you they’re ready and then make you stand there while they read the menu. Those fucking people, man.

After that litany of literal disasters, it was noted that she was uniquely qualified to understand Russian lit without further explanation.

What’s depressing is the troll either got someone to rec him or he’s followed by Jez. Meanwhile wondering (me), interesting(me) fascinating (Steve McQueen) posters linger in the gray.