Blackbeard Ben

Ignore the haters, that color and the wheels look great!

That still doesn’t make them snow and ice tires - not any more than Continental ExtremeContact DWS all season tires with the three peak mountain snowflake symbol are.

You’re clearly ill prepared for the polar vortex without snow tires on that.

That’s a good point I didn’t think about.

Why is the delivery charge even a thing for cars? Is there any other good that you can buy at a store, in stock, and have to pay a separate delivery charge?

That’s normal.  BMW puts its longitudinal inline engines at an angle (slant) to facilitate packaging and lower the center of gravity.

That is totally nuts. I’m so glad we don’t have that in Michigan.


Rear engined, rear wheel drive, manual, 3 cylinder, 5 door hatchback with an awesome paint job? Where do I sign up?!?

User name checks out.

Also, glued on mirrors can break off from the shock if you bottom out your suspension - on potholes, railroad tracks, or washboard dirt roads. I had this happen twice on my E90 328xi, and the second time it took part of the windshield with it.

The leather on the broom is a $700 upgrade from soft touch plastic.

Since we know the new 911 is going to be amazing to drive, I want to know how it is to live with on a daily basis:

I was hoping to see the real harlequin interior - which is awesome in its own right:

That’s more a result of film versus poor quality video than black and white versus color.

Hmm, is this another Torchopped photo? It would seem likely!

I’ve got nothing for modern hatchbacks with side opening hatches, but there is a wagon, per your Rules of Wagonhood - though it has a pair of side opening barn doors rather than a single hatch:

D’oh, I didn’t read down far enough to see the dB requirements by model year under code 27202. I see now.

Please note that I screwed the pooch on the unit label for the 20 inch measurement Rin the calculation I did. It should read:

The full SAE J1169 (1998) standard can be purchased from the SAE here: