It could be worse. He could be In Bruges.
It could be worse. He could be In Bruges.
How about carbon fiber and composites?
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I see that the roll cages open to let the cabs tilt forward for engine access - now that is cool!
Ah, Checker Motors Corporation, the forgotten other famous auto manufacturer from Michigan! It was in Kalamazoo, Michigan, not in Detroit - and they did body stamping for the big three after producing their last car in 1982. You can even see that last car in the awesome Gilmore Car Museum in nearby Hickory Corners,…
36 mpg highway confirmed with gas receipt fuel consumption comparison? At what speed?
Agreed - same here. They are some of the ugliest cars all time IMHO. The proportions are awful - like something that belongs in a cartoon.
Ugh... Sky over Solstice anyday. The Solstice looks like it has a balloon for a face.
No, seas of Chevy Trax and Buick Encore economy compacts on stilts.
What 20 and 30- somethings are you talking about? I haven't met any that are interested in 70s crapcans, unless you count cult classics like the Beetle and Vanagon.
How many leaves are stuck in the grille?
I agree, though I still have the GT3 RS sitting in box. Since I don’t really like any of the other 2019 sets so far I’ll probably end up getting the RSR too.
Yeah, they’re expensive for toys. Keep in mind that a full built set with box and extra parts won’t lose any value, and a sealed box set will actually appreciate fast enough to be a reasonable financial investment.
I agree that the bug eyes and circular front are a bit off, but I disagree about the wheels. They’re very close to scale, but the fender gap is larger than the real thing so that they can give the model a reasonable amount of suspension travel.
Nor should any LMP car, 911 GT3 or RSR, or Chiron. I got over it since a Lego LSD would not work well on the scale of these cars.
Nope, not me! I never drove the car down that way. However, around Atlanta is where you’re probably most likely to see a Harlequin:
Haha! When I commented, TheVat’s Festivus comment had all of 2 or 3 stars. It seems people have seen the light!