Oprah Winfrey's Vagina

Maybe she thinks she won’t have the money to give her in the future. Law suits and poor job prospects?

It’s not bigoted to say that some of the problems in places like these stems from racism.

Judging by the amount of stars I get, thaQueen one of the most enjoyed commentators on this site. Just because everyone ignores you’re posts dont mean you have to come at me. Listen and watch thaQueen, maybe you’ll actually learn something. And Ready Playa One was straight up racist- black erasure is a form of racism

I totally 100000000000% AGREE.

I’m trying to figure out why 5 people starred the racist troll who responded...

Fun facts for y’all: Black women have the highest labor force participation rate among women (62.7% vs 57.2% of white women) and are the only group of women with a higher labor force participation rate than their male counterparts. Black women who worked full-time, year-round had median annual earnings that were 65

Dag I think you hit the nail on the head. I’ve never met a white person (this includes women) who measured up to a POC, and I’ve known a lot of them. They have to have something genetically wrong with them!

Jezebel has directly stated that it’s not a feminist website. It’s “for women,” which is different.

Nah, I’m just happy to be here.

“C’mon O.J., it’s not like Kap killed someone.”

C’mon O.J., it’s not like Kap killed someone.

I wouldn’t trust that fool to tell me the sky was blue, especially since looking up to confirm his statement would leave my neck open to a knife strike.

I’m a firm believer of doing what you think is right

Damn. He’s still allowing himself to be trotted out on a leash. And, the massah media is still leash trolling.

Selecting broken partners who mistreat you in order to prove your worth is probably not a healthy way to go about that. I agree with others that probably some therapy is in order. Users are great at sniffing out vulnerable people, so the best first step is to get yourself in a better place so that you’ll be able to

First of all don’t even consider dating or sleeping with anyone for a minute. You don’t seem to be in a space to be making healthy choices. Get a therapist. There are free therapists in person and on line. Console meditation. Sit quietly for 10 minutes with your eyes closed. Inhale and exhale, focus on your breath and

If they’re going to go to the trouble of making up that meme, I WTH they would puctuate it correctly, i.e. ‘er.