Oprah Winfrey's Vagina

I don’t have much to say, but I’m starring to pull you out of the greys so that maybe more people will see.

Talk to someone. Even if it’s just a hotline. There should be a crisis center somewhere near you as well that provide resources.

Your donations to the Miracle Network sponsored its sentience. Now I can officially refuse to have sex with Stedman because my vagina is just a minor.

Can I address something that has always bothered me?

I just Google'd "whiteness is a hell of a drug" lol

I'm only mildly upset that someone beat me to the incest joke.

Somewhat off-topic: But am I the only one who finds it really smart how Wendy's has rebranded itself in the past four years or so? The last time I went there they had very fancy drink machines, this sort of retro 60's meets modern vibe, a digital fireplace, flatscreens everywhere and the best of Dinah Shore playing in

Thank you... just, thank you.

And there wasn't NEARLY enough casual racism.

This one is clearly a missive sent directly from North Korea. The English is far too good to be an actual Sony document.

These Sony Leaks are getting more and more fascinating by the day.


You are wonderful

Any word on if Tina is going to unlock the vault and sell some sweet Destiny Child outfits? I have three friends (two I'm not overly fond of, TBH) that I'd love to wear these with for a night on the town ('cuz the club is jumpin' jumpin'.)

Don't tell Oprah what she does.

Cue Fox News trumpeting with 'CubanSpermGate' in 3...2...1—