Oprah Winfrey's Vagina

Who the fuck let you outta the grays?

Am I the only one who finds Stephen Miller to be sexy?

I didn’t like it. I found the world building to be sloppy and what we did see of Wakanda was minimal and unimpressive. The lead character was very flat and boring. The whole film was incredibly slow. The villain acted and talked like a thug but was supposed to be this hyper intelligent MIT grad?

Can white women stop telling me what to be offended by now?

My producing partner wants me to go LARPing with him.

That makes a lot of sense. Causation is not evidence of proof.

You have a point.

I know you’re right.

I tried that.

I don’t see how one could help me

I try but those guys never wanna talk to me.

So I feel like shit.

Yeah it might be best just to let him go.

I’m confused.

Maybe he’s really one of those people who don’t dig the holiday.

I just need a thread to kvetch.

I’d let him fuck tho

So we’re gonna have to start taking selfies of what we are dressed in before we go kn stores now aren’t we?

It’s a good song. It was also everywhere this year. Women are going to win in other categories this year. Let’s dial down the outrage.

I’ve been on Kinja a while. I used to be on Kitchenette a lot before it shuttered. I mostly just lurk now.