
I agree. I really want a Model3 next, but honestly, supporting Musk feels like giving money directly to Donald Trump.

Funny thing is.... I used to be interested in Tesla (in theory... it’s a tad outside my price range).  I’ll admit I had concerns about QC though.  Now, ain’t no way I’ll buy a Tesla.  Musk is just too fuckin’ crazy.  I mean I had no illusions he wasn’t a bit... off.  But that guy is just too Bond Villian-ie for my

I’m feeling more and more confident that he will go down in flames in November. I just hope he grabs the GOP’s ankle as he’s going down the drain. They could have stopped this at any time. They could have installed Pence and gotten all the judges and corporate handouts they want without the chaos.  They chose to stand

“...acting contrary to ... the President...”

Nope. That board is full of sycophants. They'll never tell him that he's wrong. 

Nah. All they have to do is make him “Chief Futurist” or some other bullshit title that has no power but lets him keep his twitter account. That way they can put someone in charge who actually understands how to run a profitable and growing global manufacturing company, but also gets to take advantage of his cult.

Say this with me: this isn’t critical infrastructure. Say it again. And again. Until it sinks in. We do not need to be manufacturing cars, solar cells, rocket parts, etc. The things that we absolutely need can be distilled into some basic groups:

He also refers to the public health officer as “unelected”, which is something only Republicans tend to do. In their world, it’s better to have an elected idiot over a unelected expert.

The board should have forced him out years ago. I doubt they will now.

So not only is Musk a Covid denier, he’s openly fucking over all of the Tesla employees in California with this trumpish rage tweeting. Can you imagine what those people feel like reading this stuff? It is shockingly oblivious and totally insensitive of him to pull this crap.  He obviously doesn’t care about his

Dear Elon: if you move your factory, can you upgrade your paint from “watercolor” to “good.”?

The only thing rich people think about is how to get richer.

Yes Elon, throw away millions of dollars you invested in a factory in order to spite California for *checks notes* taking a deadly global pandemic seriously.  That’ll really own the libs and keep the investors happy!

Dear Elon: Take a poll of your workers. Figure out how many of them feel safe and comfortable working before the situation has calmed. Better yet, take a poll of your executive board (doubtless working remotely) and ask them if they’re comfortable working on assembly line conditions. Include yourself. And then think

And, yet, in every established market their sales have been in decline for the last four quarters..... why is that Elon?

Or go all in on China.  You can’t build a factory anywhere in the world quicker than one can be thrown together there.

Is it time for a countdown to Tesla leaving California for the deep south?

Damn, remember how good the original Model S looked? It was good.

It’s hilarious over on “The USUAL EV sites” this afternoon— where they claim “Tesla continues to grow in Europe, even as other manufacturers fall behind”.

Wait. Hear me out! What if we DIDN’T do this? And instead, we just gave all that money to the executives? And then that money will trickle down to the workers! Eventually!