Used to! No longer. Manged a JJs. Horrible company, delicious Italian sub.
Used to! No longer. Manged a JJs. Horrible company, delicious Italian sub.
“Invoice price” is in no way representative of what dealers are paying for their vehicles. If you believe that is a true representation of what the dealer cost of a vehicle is, you are going to be paying a lot more for a purchase or a lease than you should be.
Isn’t there a third reason for the first question? The dealer is BSing to get more money out of the customer?
A 14 year old 118k mile AMG is already a grenade with the pin pulled. But this one’s been modded for more powah, upping the ante and the risk factor. (the F&F A-pillar gauges look right at home. In a Civic.) It might be a NP at 15 kilobucks, but that’s just going to be the entry price, as I’d be living in fear of a…
Uncle Ruckus, indeed. The law enforcement agency has plenty of those. I hate to keep bring up Dr. John Henrik Clarke, but he said himself, those are the people to worry about the most. They’ll fight for the “slave master” harder than any other racist white person would. I was actually apart of an office that worked…
Wasn’t it literally just yesterday that a bunch of Alabama sheriffs said they were not going to enforce the governor’s social distancing rules?
Amazon’s already working on building it’s own delivery services so that there will be few or -no- middlemen from the time people order their shit. All Trump is going to end up doing is make Amazon spend more money to get to that point sooner and give USPS the finger. That’s part of his plan, because once Amazon stops…
In a few weeks the GOP will be pointing to massive failures in the leadership of the postal service as a reason for privatizing the entire enterprise. Sometimes it feels like they’re determined to prove that government doesn’t work by being completely incompetent at doing government.
So it’s about as useful as those EA “in-engine footage” trailers in being utterly useless.
Geriatric driver mistakes gas for brake. Tale as old as time.
Paying over MSRP for anything bothers me, no matter how nice the vehicle is!!
Look, milk, eggs, toilet paper, whatever.
Tesla CEO Elon Musk is in his palatial, immaculate home, in the lotus position, hovering three feet above a reflecting pool, levitating with The Power of Ideas and emitting beams of coherent light and a never-ending stream of ideas.
People can’t even drive safely normally. Why add games into that mix? At what point does he take accountability for his stupid ideas getting people killed?
cuz nobody wants to pay $60k for half a pickup truck?
These things are the mullet of the car world. A tiny bit rad, but the back end is just SO regrettable.
That’s going to look so good up on the lift.