Full disclosure, I am a sales analyst at an OEM that makes most of their profit on trucks and SUVs. As counter intuitive as it sounds, those profits are allowing us to invest a great deal of money into EV development.
Full disclosure, I am a sales analyst at an OEM that makes most of their profit on trucks and SUVs. As counter intuitive as it sounds, those profits are allowing us to invest a great deal of money into EV development.
I think you are missing the point on the “everybody will be broke” line. Even if they are not literally broke, they won’t be spending money. I’m fortunate to have a solid job and no interruption to my regular income but I am planning and preparing for a potential economic storm. I’m cutting expenses. I’m…
Considering the condition of the teeth of some strippers (according to a friend, of course) a face mask is an idea that is long overdue.
5th Gear: I’m skeptical for a couple of reasons.
Okay yeah, but how else is Karen supposed to get her hair done for her big night out of yelling at the Olive Garden waitress???
This. Working from home, and got promoted today, so buying a bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue to celebrate that and the fact I proposed to my wife 10 years ago today.
30million + ppl got no jobs and got no money. Ppl who have jobs and some money, like me (for now?), are buying only groceries and booze.
5th Gear: Oil will indeed come back. It’s just going to be slow, like the economy. Anyone who thinks the economy will just bounce back as quickly as it tanked will be in for a surprise.
Thanks for the shitty respirators, Elon, you’re helping!
Yep, believe in a guy who has a potential $750M payout reliant upon reopening society so Tesla can hit certain numbers, regardless of the cost to everyone else.
Yes, I live in Pinellas County in Florida, and at least in the northern part, there is lots of road work being done, and also with the electrical grid.
Ironically posted from a Chinese made computer.
Model 3 made and sold in China, sooooo?
I’m guessing you’re happy enough with your Chinese phone, laptop and so on though?
Bethesda: adds a communist robot to a game
Also Bethesda: requires you to pay money for it
Agreed completely. Tesla’s screen-centric interior really doesn’t do it for me, and Volvo interiors have been terrific in their current generation. Plus the stupid “easter egg” gimmicks in the Tesla and the obnoxious fan base keep me from ever being seriously interested in one.
It ended pretty badly for the Duke.
It takes one speed bump too fast and it splits in half like Cabby’s cab on the bridge.
“Love the wheels”... Which side ? They’re missmatched :D
Biggest red flag for me tbh :p