
Well you could buy a Chevy Bolt.

1stGear: A fourth reason is that Tesla’s well-off customers are less affected by the pandemic.

Headline too long.

Feels like it should have been painted yellow and had a #9 stuck to the door.

*Rivian looks around the room*

“ The cause of death has not been revealed.”

Tesla fans at Cybertruck reveal: “Bravo! Exactly what I wanted! Bold styling! Sharp lines! I wouldn’t change a thing! This is going to sell like hotcakes now!

It means:

It’s okay. It’s the South.

It’s basically the old tactic of not giving someone the necessary tools/support they need to do something so that they fail and you can say “See? I told you they would fail!”

“Amazon’s already working on building it’s own delivery services so that there will be few or -no- middlemen from the time people order their shit.”

Still not enough to get me to switch unfortunately.

Sometimes... you get the feeling that Trump is a real-life Manchurian candidate as President where every move he’s made is to intentionally weaken America from the top down.

I’m pretty sure this right here is the problem.

So I guess you only have to host “such an event” once to be an expert and speak to how they are all run. You know, in case someone wanted to play “Disco Inferno” or such... And I didn’t say the SS chose the music, probably should check ya self on that one.

Yeah we can pretty much rule this out as some sort of accident or protest.

This orange, retarded clown. Yet Black people continue to follow suit and not heed the flags.

C’mon! No “Yakkity Sax” for that video? What the hell, man? It’s Florida. It’s cars. It’s elderly driving for Pete’s Sake!

If things get really bad, perhaps they can start a new ad campaign with a famous ex-athlete... perhaps a football player?