
I don’t get it. He and his brood tout how much fun it is to drive a Tesla all the time.

Meanwhile in Nigeria, news that Shell might be fucked was probably received quite differently:

I understand that, I’ve had a 2019 Chevy Bolt since 2018. I know that it would not be possible without ICE vehicle profits in the first place, but that’s not what I’m talking about.

Totally agree it isn’t a toggle-switch thing. It would take at least a quarter of a century, mainly in order to let much older people like me (55) die out and younger people to accept the changes.

I kinda feel sorry for her, if only a little bit.

1. If only there were good, reliable used EVs for sale... if only....

EV’s aren’t cars? I see wheels and a turny-thingy...

Not when you figure in the ancillary costs involving mechanical maintenance like oil changes, radiator fluids, brake fluids/repair, mufflers, etc, and then more quality of life advantages like instant power, less cabin noise, and longer warranties.

5th Gear: Everyone keeps talking about the ‘new normal’ (really getting tired of this crap) but all I really hear is “I want things to never change, even if it’s potentially better”.

Well I guess if you can’t eat at “Hooters”, you have to settle for this “Ewww-ters”.... where masks are not only recommended, but completely necessary.

“Okay fine. Specifically to my company, Tesla, so fuck all you hidey-hole, scaredy cat muthafuckas.”


Well, we know the NCAA didn’t approve of this just because it was ‘the right thing to do’. So the real question is: Why are they allowing them to earn any type of money after years of being resistant?

Seriously, Black folks in Georgia (or anywhere)... keep your ass home. Don’t rush out to get a fade, fix that weave or get some BBQ because now you have “permission” to do so. You are feeding right into the Republican/White supremacists hand’s.

Even if Tesla is a superior EV to most competitors, based on this man’s obvious greed and irresponsibility towards millions of others (sociopathic?), there is no way in good conscience that I could consider buying a Tesla for my EV needs going forward.

Does anyone know if any cities or towns have actually used this Covid time to their advantage by continuing to do road projects/construction on absolutely bare roads?

Tesla may yet regret having that open relationship with China building that plant there. It may help them sell more cars in the short term, but at a far cheaper price and when China gets rights to sell here it may come back to bite them.

The glass is blocking the wrong spot. It should be between my armrest and that interloper next to me who keeps trying to claim it like Russia with Ukraine.

This was a huge advantage 5 years ago for Tesla. There didn’t really even exist an ‘alternative’ network.