
I think going forward in this ‘new normal’ (hate that term) discussions about ‘fuel economy’ in terms of gas is moot. There are usually more than enough to find and a vehicle like this could easily have added jerrycans probably. Gas is also dirt cheap and likely to stay that way for some time to come due to the glut.

Tesla just had the early jump and everyone is catching up. When people think Volvo, they automatically think “safety”. It’s just built into the brand and people’s minds... rightly or wrongly. Check any survey and you’ll find it backs that up.

Established name for safety, better price, much better interior without all the obnoxious pretentiousness that is usually associated with being a Tesla owner.

All I can thin of is all that REAL glass surrounding you in an accident back there.

$9,000 to ride around in something that’s only missing the chandeliers like The Duke of New York had? Are you insane?

Unless they cannot end up securing enough batteries and have what happened to Audi visit them.

That’s probably because anyone flying around right now during a pandemic is making enough money to justify doing so, in which case their job is paying that full-price/inflated ticket cost or the person has a still functioning business that allows them to write the cost off.

Those floors though...

It’s okay.

My choices:

Wristbands, huh? Like fitbits with proximity alarms?

If they could convert this into an all-electric vehicle, I’d be all over this thing.

Extremely small nitpick: With under 6k miles, why does the driver’s floor mat look like it has 25k miles of foot traffic?

Pretty sure he walked away from his computer with that same exact look on his face after realizing everyone heard him drop the N-bomb.

This all day and twice on Sunday.

Sorry but until there is an actual vaccine for this plague (which is exactly what it is), I’m not eating out or ordering in at any restaurants and I’m damn sure not getting inside any metal tubes for hours on end with complete and total strangers.

How’s he driving around in a Tesla of all cars, with no working credit cards? Is this guy the proverbial “hand to mouther” the news networks always talk about?

Probably. But only if someone’s mind wanders there anyways. Kind of like when someone says a dirty joke, that isn’t really ‘dirty’ unless the person was thinking it was.

It’s okay. Hold their beer...

Are we guessing (or do we even have to?) what the other ‘half’ is?