Black Avenger of the Spanish Main

Dinosaurs or no, all three records exceeded expectations. The Megadeth still made me feel a bit dirty, because some of Daves lyrics are a little too "full Nugent" for me these days, but otherwise…

I mean, we got solid records from Slayer, Megadeth and Metallica…

I'm pretty sure, though I'm not going to google it at work, that the film in question is…. Over a decade, and maybe even closer to two decades old now? I've never actually seen it, but I remember reading about it in Rolling Stone, and it's been a goddamn long time since I read Rolling Stone…

Holy shit, right? I've seen Dylan a few times, and it's ranged from shit to pretty damn good, but I saw Patti on the Horses 40 year tour and that shit blew my fucking mind.

I think she is Billy Pilgrim.

The friend I saw it with said it really reminded them of the episode The Chase.

In retrospect, it's actually pretty easy to see the seams where the screenwriters added the cookie cutter scifi bits to stretch the novella into a 2 hour movie…

Dunno, after reading up on the short story, it's really obvious that all the cookie cutter bits are the ones the screenwriters added…

YES! Louise totally gets the Billy Pilgrim treatment!

This is one of the best screenplays I've ever seen loosely based on Slaughterhouse 5. Seriously, Louise totally gets the Billy Pilgrim treatment here…

no, that was clearly on purpose.

Didn't the authors of Black Mirror specifically deny that this was the case?

That dude best watch out before he ends up on a watchlist…

Weeks before the first of the tours was announced a few years back, I finally consciously resigned myself to the fact that I would never see him live. Then, that announcement and the show at the Rose Garden blew me away. And then he came back again! I spent somewhere in the neighborhood of 600 buck between those

Just saw Art Garfunkel a few weeks ago… Man, if you close your eyes, his guitar player sounds just like Paul, and Art sounds 40 years younger than he looks.

Yeah, that's the thing about 2016. As bad as this seemed, the next decade is going to be just like it, but worse.

This was seriously one of the few silver linings in the last couple weeks. On the 10th, the though that Trump was what had done Cohen in was nearly unbearable…

Since the turn of the century, I've learned that there are certain groups I cannot interact with productively. Birthers, Truthers, Vaxxers and Chemtrailers.

The thing is that there are at least 60 million voters out there who don't think that the goals of that platform are bad at all…