Black Avenger of the Spanish Main

greek yogurt, lime juice, cilantro, black pepper, a pinch of sugar and a pinch of ground mustard seed.

Not the smart guy. Just a normal lazy fucker without a clue.

Not to mention the short shrift given to Slymenstra Hymen…

It's not really settling, though. Mac Sabbath fucking brings it.

I feel like Deception could actually be pulled off as a film pretty well with the right director… I don't exactly love the gimmick of that novel, but it would certainly be nice to have faces and voices to go with the dialog - I can't count how many times I had to back track and count lines to figure out who said what…

I saw Wrekminster Harmonies last year in a shitty little club with an amazing sound system and they fucking out-Swanned the Swans. So fucking loud I can still hear the tinnitus…

I had a hell of a time appreciating the IPA style, until the fateful day I found a 6pack of Dogfishead 60 Minute IPA in my hands. I don't know what possessed me to buy it - perhaps I was a little oxygen deprived, as I was visiting Denver. But for the first time, as I held the glass up and took a whiff and could

Apparently Mads and I are on the same page this week. I just finished this stencil:

Whistling jaunty tunes is more Laibachs sort of thing, no?

The Indian district in Chicago is pretty amazing…

I'm trying to put this comment into a context I can grasp, and failing…

Let´s see how scared stiff you can get!

Rolling Stones also have a pair. And if you thought the new Kiss was bad… The new Stones was an abomination.

Renfield is the closest we got…

2 Girls, One Train

I once needed to make a cherry pie on a boat in Alaska and realized I had nothing to thicken the filling with, so I shredded a potato and harvested the starch. Fuckin' worked a charm and Captain Don got his goddamn birthday cherry pie!

I cannot figure it out from context, no matter how I try…

It was… not good.

Huh… I scored a screener copy of it back then, but they cut off the last 15 minutes, so I didn't get to see the ending…

I've never actually seen the end of the movie. I scored a copy in 2000 on VHS and it was a screener version. Which… Cuts off the last 15 minutes :/