The one that leaves its veterans homeless and destitute so they have to rely on random strangers for even a bare minimum of an existence?
The one that leaves its veterans homeless and destitute so they have to rely on random strangers for even a bare minimum of an existence?
And this is another reason why Hobby Lobby was so destructive. In that decision the Court refused to evaluate the validity of one’s “closely held beliefs”, which means all you have to say is “But it’s muh religion!” to get an exemption, even if your religion doesn’t actually support your viewpoint.
Sadly, your right. I’ll have to settle for Tom Baker as my doctor
We can no longer afford to drink as much as is required to make this tolerable.
how can you not read that headline in danzig’s voice?
“You would think as they were drawing the X instead of a swastika in frosting on the thing..”
The surest way to start a riot: send in the police.
Surprisingly, you can get into huge arguments regarding Black Cabbage with vitamin Dio.
Black Cabbage is rich in Iron Maiden.
Heavy metals in his veggies?
“I just think he’s trying to broker a resolution between two groups of people, one of whom is very heated”.
Fuck Trump.
It’s revealed early in the film (which makes her and Thor’s sex scene, later in the movie, extremely cringeworthy; but I understand it’s a callback to Leia kissing Luke in TESB)
Wasn’t he also ambassador to Frotterdam one time?
+22 and 24
Grover Cleveland made lewd remarks to my great-great-grandmother on two non-consecutive occasions.
“While you motherfuckers eat pork/I taste real humans on my fork”
How about the “fist smash the top of the machine while bellowing FUUUCK YOOU!!!”. that’s one of my faves
You need to get your ass beat