It’s Nixons All The Way Down
It’s Nixons All The Way Down
I’m going to need a glass full of real whisky to deal with some of the assholes around here today...
and/or not a woman :/
Spot on.
Last night, I crossed a street and paused briefly, to allow two people behind me to pass me, as I was planning on strolling.
Broccoli is the worst. I mean, I love broccoli, but it is not a pizza topping. Ever.
I looked at my 401K recently. I took a good chunk of it out of the stock market because that shit is bubbling something fierce and I might be missing the top end of it, but goddamn if I want the whole thing to disappear when Trump finally manages to really scare the markets...
I got 16 showings in, including 3 Black and Chrome. I would go see it again in a heartbeat.
There was a bit I didn’t catch until my... 15th showing? Maybe 16th? Watching the Black and Chrome version, I noticed one of the surviving Vuvalini riding the elevator up to the Citadel is holding a gun behind her back. At the moment of, perhaps, victory, she is still ready for shit to go tits up at any moment.
16 times. 13 times on the original run and three more when the Black and Chrome got a showing. A true cinematic masterpiece.
Oh, I did.
Don’t get no jizz upon that sofa, sofa.
All I know is that this one would take on a whole different meaning across the Atlantic...