Black Avenger of the Spanish Main

Yeah, that's the thing about 2016. As bad as this seemed, the next decade is going to be just like it, but worse.

This was seriously one of the few silver linings in the last couple weeks. On the 10th, the though that Trump was what had done Cohen in was nearly unbearable…

Since the turn of the century, I've learned that there are certain groups I cannot interact with productively. Birthers, Truthers, Vaxxers and Chemtrailers.

The thing is that there are at least 60 million voters out there who don't think that the goals of that platform are bad at all…

greek yogurt, lime juice, cilantro, black pepper, a pinch of sugar and a pinch of ground mustard seed.

Not the smart guy. Just a normal lazy fucker without a clue.

Not to mention the short shrift given to Slymenstra Hymen…

It's not really settling, though. Mac Sabbath fucking brings it.

I feel like Deception could actually be pulled off as a film pretty well with the right director… I don't exactly love the gimmick of that novel, but it would certainly be nice to have faces and voices to go with the dialog - I can't count how many times I had to back track and count lines to figure out who said what…

I saw Wrekminster Harmonies last year in a shitty little club with an amazing sound system and they fucking out-Swanned the Swans. So fucking loud I can still hear the tinnitus…

I had a hell of a time appreciating the IPA style, until the fateful day I found a 6pack of Dogfishead 60 Minute IPA in my hands. I don't know what possessed me to buy it - perhaps I was a little oxygen deprived, as I was visiting Denver. But for the first time, as I held the glass up and took a whiff and could

Apparently Mads and I are on the same page this week. I just finished this stencil:

Whistling jaunty tunes is more Laibachs sort of thing, no?

The Indian district in Chicago is pretty amazing…

I'm trying to put this comment into a context I can grasp, and failing…

Let´s see how scared stiff you can get!

Rolling Stones also have a pair. And if you thought the new Kiss was bad… The new Stones was an abomination.

Renfield is the closest we got…

2 Girls, One Train

I once needed to make a cherry pie on a boat in Alaska and realized I had nothing to thicken the filling with, so I shredded a potato and harvested the starch. Fuckin' worked a charm and Captain Don got his goddamn birthday cherry pie!