Rusty R Shackleford

i was going to say that Danny Trejo was dressed like his Dusk Till Dawn character. But let’s not kid ourselves... Danny Trejo always dresses like that.

You are absolutely right that he doesn’t have much policy out right now. That doesn’t make him a shitty person! He sounds like a smart, kinda dorky, kinda nerdy guy who also happens to have a very impressive resume, including recent and ongoing success in the executive branch. On top of that, he’s an excellent speaker

Then how about you write a piece about why you disagree with his policy instead of why you don’t personally like a guy you’ve never met? I need to stop clicking on this shit, and I realize I’m part of the problem for doing so.

Ya, these low key, side eyed commentaries on Pete are just getting old. Think about this: for whatever reason (is it an East Coast thing? I doubt it, but I’m struggling here) you’ve listed all these things that supposedly “annoy” you about Buttigieg, and most of us see these things as being admirable. Think on that

Really? I thought the pilot was dull. I thought this episode was hilarious. Y’all are watching a different show to me...

Okay, but... you understand that the whole movie is about how every single Avenger’s personal flaws led to Thanos’ triumph, right?

It would be much better if he just promised a bunch of crap that will never pass senate in 100 years, because the splinter child bloggers know thats how governance really works.

Everyone has stupid shit they like to spend money on. On the one hand, jesus this seems like a huge waste of time and money for lame-ass memorabilia. On the other hand, do what makes you happy, I guess? As long as none of these guys have kids that are going without food or medicine or something, which I grant, is not

Idiots will spend multiple thousands of dollars to get a lot of things.

I’m really struggling with the idea that a wealthy middle aged white guy would say something racist. I’m not saying this is all bullshit, but I WILL say that all lives should matter, you know?

Man, I can’t wait for that CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. AJ Styles Fatal 4-Way for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania 35 that will somehow inexplicably go on before the Lesnar vs. Reigns III main event.

There’s a 23% service charge on there do u really expect him to lay down 15% on top of that?

NFL: “But does he kneel for the anthem?”

“We don’t know exactly what we’re doing.”

Hi Bono!

Listen here, Virginia McCaskey, you geriatric fuck. Make the god damn trade. Tittie Kissin Mitch needs a WR

Super-sonic ravens, dragons and Gendrys

Hopefully that fire doesn’t get out of hand. I don’t know how he’d be able to explain the damage to his wives.

Pace is a good GM