I was always told by my Hispanic friends in school that “puto” meant something similar to “whore” or “bitch”, and that “maricon” was the homophobic slur of choice in Spanish. Learn something new I guess.
I was always told by my Hispanic friends in school that “puto” meant something similar to “whore” or “bitch”, and that “maricon” was the homophobic slur of choice in Spanish. Learn something new I guess.
voted yes on nearly everyone but Tillerson, but yeah guys, you keep up the good fight. did you finally find your spines, or did the republicans just let you hold onto them for a little bit?
I have absolutely no faith in these people to do anything except roll over or grandstand when it might make them look good. we…
No help is coming from outside. No one else can fix this.
Evanston is no small town. It directly borders Chicago, is the home to Northwestern, and has a sizeable minority population. It’s also very polar city- most of the minority population is very poor and the white population is fairly wealthy. So, the cops tend to treat brown people as criminals and white people as…
If you’re a liquor drinker, vodka tonics with diet tonic (0 calories per serving) is the way to go if you’re calorie counting.
I can totally relate to this though, as my wife and I are currently trying to cut back on the boozing. Most nights we were splitting a six pack of a high calorie IPA, sometimes more. We’ve…
You missed on one. Nazr Mohammed cannot be a Muslim, since his tenure in the NBA pre-dates the writing of the Koran.