It’s almost as if employing PR & Marketing people actually pays off. Hmmm.....
It’s almost as if employing PR & Marketing people actually pays off. Hmmm.....
Spot on here. Articles on Jezebel should just auto correct to: We Only Want Bernie In 2020*
Yes, yes. It’s always the fault of two groups: free loading poor people or the rich.
How about we start with something that can actually pass in congress? How about no longer rubber stamping college loans in an attempt to halt spiking tuition costs?
How about grading schools based on placement % per majors / salary…
I got two tickets last second to the Cleveland Browns @ Chicago Bears game from November 4, 2001. It was a late game and at the time I worked in broadcast so I had a 10pm show to help produce. I had to be at the station by 8pm. After nobody was willing to cover me, my dad and I decided we would leave early, especially…
Well for Ryan Collins it ended up being 18 months in prison.
So is this the thing we’ll all be irate about for 5 minutes until the next shiny object appears? Rosenbloom has never once claimed to be a traditional journalist. He’s paid to write snark columns. Yeah, he’s not always funny but to me he is more times than not. If you’re a long suffering Bears fan like I am, you…
Damn. Beat me to it (NO PUN INTENDED)
Yeah, but then they’d have like two draft picks in 2018 because they already traded 10 of them for Truuuuubi.
Is this real or something being planned by Ja Rule?
This is an excellent post. I unfortunately work with/know people who are giving the president standing ovations for what he’s been signing off on. They don’t care who it hurts and they’d most likely punch me in the face if I knocked on their door and asked them to contact their leaders in opposition.
I am doing the exact same thing. Used to have a beer after work and an after dinner vodka/diet (or two) about an hour after dinner. I’m now working out after work, no drinks (obviously) after the workout and instead eating dinner closely after the workout. I’m still doing the vodka and diet tonic but that’s all,…