
“The unaccredited program...”

That was a good movie? Wow your standards are low.

Look, just because someone went to the Moon that doesn’t mean they’re not full of shit.

There’s a lot of craft and even art in advertising, which is the biggest business of the big beer companies these days.

Very cool. And also nice to see Coors, a company that generally bombards us with bro-tastic mouthbreathing marketing campaigns of the most annoying nature, financing something like this.

Overhand or underhand for the toilet paper roll.

I pictured this exact thing. Some guy in an Eagles jersey kicking the robot for no reason.

I am Canadian, and have (barely) survived a night in Philadelphia. At the bus station, no less.

Seriously? Did anybody not see this coming?

No Canadian could ever survive a night in Philadelphia. Robot or otherwise.

Of course it was Philly. Can we disown that city?

Is there anyone who isn’t offended by Piers? I could be blind and deaf and still be put off by that jackass. He’s a sensationalist, and everything I hate about “the news” these days.

These feet are fucking terrifying. I can’t quite put my finger on what’s wrong with them, but they are jacked up.

Omg. You should watch the Half in the Bag review of Pixels. One of the reviewers pulls out a piece of paper that he wrote predictions on for how the movie would go, and he... more or less nailed it.

Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore were good...................... hello? Anyone?
*retreats into the nothingness from whence he came*

“Announcing [Insert film title here]. Watch as Adam Sandler plays [Insert character name here], a [Insert distinguishing feature here] who just wants to [Insert generic goal here]. Along the way he’ll realise [insert generic epiphany here] and fall in love with [insert person with tits here], played by [seriously who

cilantro is awesome

I knew a guy who didn’t wear a seat belt until he was 32. Then he was in a crash and died. It worked fine for 32 years though. Good luck with that!

And then you whine and complain when prison staff is using lots of force to deal with inmates who are going bonkers from only having a cell, a bed, and meals.

Prisoners should not have any of this. They shouldnt need money either. They get a cell, a bed, and meals, thats it. Why are they getting all of this? Its prison! You are not supposed to want to be there.