Yep, pissed me off too
Yep, pissed me off too
Yep, pissed me off too
Yep, pissed me off too
All of these have the ugly large numbers that are on sale. I want one with hour markers.... Tried the promo code on ones not in the link that are prime and ship and sold from amazon and it didnt work either.
All of these have the ugly large numbers that are on sale. I want one with hour markers.... Tried the promo code on…
Cant wait for this doucher to get out of the white house. Applause, he blew a bubble! woohoo, wee!!
Ive been using my bose soundlink mini for about a year. Everyone that hears it, even people that hate Bose end up wanting one. This little speaker gave me a boner for an on the go speaker for outside. I am excited for some reason haha...
Ive been using my bose soundlink mini for about a year. Everyone that hears it, even people that hate Bose end up…
way late on seeing this, but I saw you mention how to hide the cord and didn’t see any replies. I dont have any pictures because you just cant see it. I ran a new circuit from the fuse panel, but on my old truck I just robbed power from the CD player, it had a head unit, and was switchable with the ignition. I bought…
way late on seeing this, but I saw you mention how to hide the cord and didn’t see any replies. I dont have any…
Damn it, I just bought the waterproof one because of you.
Damn it, I just bought the waterproof one because of you.
Does this remove lead from the water. Too soon?
Does this remove lead from the water. Too soon?
Next post a good car shredder video. I got to design one at work years ago. It is quite the thing to see. This shredder separated all the parts and pieces using various methods. It was cool.
That was a pile of shit I just read
I have to laugh when someone doesn’t like something and then gets called a troll because the other person doesn’t agree.
One things for sure, its ugly as sin.