
Bank the corners, doesnt have to be completely flat

That other site not only matched seattle coffee gear but was cheaper by at least $100 after seattle coffee gears 10% off email I got. I dont see the 58 on his website, but still email, he works with the same distributor, brown bean, that SCG uses. Seemed like he could get anything.

I dont understand all the “effort” everyone keeps complaining about. A little effort getting it set up and minimal learning curve at the beginning. Past that its easier for me to pull a shot through my rocket than it is to make aeropress.

also check out espressooutlet.net The guy that operates the website was prompt with answering questions for me, and gave me his best price via email and text because its below MSRP. I was a little hesitatet but seattlecoffeegear.com beyond pissed me off when I was trying to place an order for the same machine from

I upgraded to a Rocket, a decision I have not regretted in the least. Its amazing. Ive only had mine for about 4 months, but I have had espresso machines for over 10 years. The learning curve was minimal for me, but not for a beginner.

Better grinder and learning to tamp with a better tamper

Im not an expert and I also dont think he found a city

Send this horrible human being to jail and throw away the key.

Zuckerturds ego at it again.

Is it just me or is she not the most hideous looking woman.... Cant stand her. Just looks slimy.


Yep, pissed me off too

Yep, pissed me off too

All of these have the ugly large numbers that are on sale. I want one with hour markers.... Tried the promo code on ones not in the link that are prime and ship and sold from amazon and it didnt work either.

All of these have the ugly large numbers that are on sale. I want one with hour markers.... Tried the promo code on

I think we need Bruce Jenner as the first tranny on some currency. Leading the tranny movement of using whichever restroom you feel like using that day.


No gun zones work, right.....

Honestly that was an awesome vid, I watched it twice.

Cant wait for this doucher to get out of the white house. Applause, he blew a bubble! woohoo, wee!!

laughed my ass off. Mexican guy at work wears these really long boots, about 6 inches. Every time he wears them I send this pic.

So they can make about 60 pairs of these