Got really disappointed when I didn’t see the watches in the header image on sale.
Got really disappointed when I didn’t see the watches in the header image on sale.
Telemedicine is not an invention. It’s a natural progression with people getting lazier, doctors becoming shittier and rules becoming more lax.
I love my Anker Soundcore Sport. Waterproof, shockproof, dustproof.
I love my Anker Soundcore Sport. Waterproof, shockproof, dustproof.
I don’t get it. Obama had nothing but wonderful things to say about Cuba’s universal health care system. If it’s as good as he says it is, why spend all that US taxpayer money on his own personal OR during his trip?
I don’t get it. I thought Cuba had the best healthcare system in the World. Why waste tax payer money?
Yeah, people don’t realize that not all radioactive material is created equal.
Dirty bombs don’t kill that many people from the bomb itself. It’s more about making an area of the world off-limits, and the economic/social consequences that follow.
Can someone remind me what we’re all fighting for? Everyone on the planet needs to chill out, sit in a lawn chair and enjoy the sunshine.
I love being a Hooker. By far the strongest and most versatile in the Army’s inventory.
I’m 6' 3". I’m familiar with this hell.
I dunno man, people who recline their seats are soulless monsters.
Lavatools Javelin/Thermowand is just as fast and only $25! I have one.
Lavatools Javelin/Thermowand is just as fast and only $25! I have one.
This, I love videos like this.
And what did I do to deserve a 20 minute video with no narration or music?
Look at all those cars that will never be parked sideways across two parking spaces anymore.
Typical liberal keyboard warrior rhetoric, what do this guy, batman theater guy, and every other shooter - hell - every other KILLER (lets just broaden this scope of conversation) - like nurse mom who dismembered her fucking son, have in common?
THEY ARE MENTALLY ILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No amount of background checking…
I can’t believe someone actually fell for that. Kudos.
that worked faster than I expected
10MB? I want to see him put Doom on there and run it.