
People up in LA just suck in general. This one was bad, but the Malibu beach fight showcases the worst of the worst in that town. You basically had homeowners who bought, built or remodeled homes knowing full well that they had to keep PUBLIC paths to the beach open, but did everything they could to prevent people

I hate people like this. I understand gaggles of tourists can be annoying. I commuted over the Golden Gate Bridge for years and know the special hell the right lane can be with all the busses and cars turning it into a parking lot trying to get to the vista point or down into Sausalito. Now I live in a major city near

Fuck these residents. Yeah, move near a world icon then bitch about the tourists.

So listing these off in order of abundance in the Earth’s crust...

His parents did actually meet. In the alternate timeline, he was still a product of George and Loraine. Biff was just their “adopted” father.

The split timeline stuff in 2 really messes up the first. His hand shouldn’t have started to disappear in the first one, because he’s just in an alternate timeline where his parents never met, as opposed to changing one singular timeline.

Plus how the film-makers felt they had painted themselves into a corner with that funny “your kids are in trouble” ending of the first movie.

Sorry Chicago Cubs, but 2015 ain't your year either.

That’s because the water gnomes take the trash and built their castles with them. Can’t do that with contaminated water.

“Should Fukushima’s Radioactive Water Just Be Dumped In the Ocean?”

sounds like me when i was 15, but in stead of fision reactor, I was playing with matches, lighters, rolls of paper towels and 55-gallon drums. plasma is plasma right?

And it costs $290..

why isnt THIS trending in newsfeeds? instead of celebrity garbage? way to go kid. this is a true hero for our generation.

Shot list:
-Pounding steel
-Pounding steel
-Pounding steel
-Putting Gravy on a bird’s nest

Yep its all the cops Fault! no one else is culpable as all! Damn those racist cops cops!. /sarcasm

That’s what happens when that person is only make $17,427 a year...

how many times have you had your assisted opening knife called a switch blade? i have it happen pretty frequently with my blur. but that thing is super fast. and its black. i also love your ar anology, totally true.

Yeah, anti-gun types never pass up any tiny little excuse to demonize guns any way they can, no matter how nebulous or illogical it is.

Well, it’s called “OtterBox”, not “otter-proof box”.

Still ‘driving’ at 90. Good one.