
This guy never needed a robot to do his job!

I balked at the multi-color bulbs when they came out. I have 7 now and love the heck out of them. I do use color and ‘normal’ warm-cool white. I have 3 of them behind my TV, lighting the wall and use 3 or 4 different color stages depending on what I’m watching. Truly awesome.

But wouldn’t it make more sense to have one switch turn on one to many bulbs than a single bulb? I’m only thinking about my kitchen for example, I have 9 can lights. I wouldn’t buy 9 individual smart bulbs when I can buy one smart switch. Unless I wanted to have a rainbow party in my kitchen, but still buying 9

The Corvette.

vette, no doubt

I could have used one of these yesterday! I left my house for work (at 5:30 am) to find a jackass that completely parked across my driveway, blocking me in. It took almost 2 hours to get freed. That took two police and two tow trucks (and still the owner of the car did not wake up.)

2 spaces, 2 cars, not sure what the problem is here.

I’d love to see this used in parking enforcement. Someone parked in a handicapped space, no parking zone, or occupying more than one spot? Send the bots in to move the car and then leave them a parking ticket for it.

My Hue/Lux lights just work. Between the ‘Tap’ overpriced switch, IFTTT and the alarms in the Hue app, I seldom need to pull out an iDevice to manage the lighting. It just happens. It is limited to lights only but it has worked great for the past 3 years or so.

Let me play you the songs of my people.

A top-of-the-line La-Z-Boy and a 65” curved screen 4K tv. You kids have fun out in the woods.

Fart apps are stupid...but you can’t really put the ban hammer on them. Once you start blocking apps based off nothing other than personal preference you step into some pretty mirky water.

For $15,000 I’d just scotch tape fifteen 1-ounce bars of gold to my face and go around farting at people.

$15,000 for a watch that doesn’t fart?

There goes half the app count.

I just watched an episode of Nova on the hubble—truly amazing piece of technology and unbelieveble how much we’ve learned from it! Now I can’t wait for the James Webb Space Telescope to launch in 2018.

I was really hoping for a picture scale model. Then I could have said, “For Ants!”

Yup. Belts require replacement, and quite often, IMO. They were sold as a superior improvement, when in actually was the major component to blame in failures of interference motors.

I believe that’s their internal employee chat room. They’re probably talking about you.

Ain’t nobody got time for that.