
I can’t believe someone actually fell for that. Kudos.

While it’s true that some folks will troll under their real name or under a screen name, discussions on say, Facebook which strives to use folks real names, are rarely as instantly vitriolic as it is on Twitter, XBL, Reddit or elsewhere.

that worked faster than I expected

Except people post trollish shit on Facebook under their real name all the time

Since when did shots start hurting? Maybe a spinal tap, but really does any shot hurt you so bad?

Admittedly I’ve never used an epipen, but my understanding is that you generally don’t want to be waiting an extra 60 seconds if you need to use it.

10MB? I want to see him put Doom on there and run it.

I was under the impression that he is so big, it just broke.

Not sure how we’re defining “International” here, but about 20 of the 27 pictures seem to involve only U.S. coinage...

I just woke up but it took me a few seconds to see the probe, and that they weren't just dumping fuel into the intake.

Good movies will get me back into the theater, not bullshit gimmicks.

I stopped going when I couldn’t find showings of films in non-3D. Let’s work on getting 3D gone, and not try to invent new bullshit gimmicks to try to make up for shit films.


Wanna get people back in your theaters? Stop charging outrageous amounts of money. My local theater charges $13.50 for a single ticket. Want popcorn, thats another $4.50 for a small. You want a fountain drink that would normally be less than $2 at any fast food place, yeah that’s another $5 minimum.

My couch 7’-8’ away from my screen, 5.1 set up and sub-woofer right behind the couch. Between Netflix and Amazon Prime, I haven’t been to the movies in over two years.

You know what would get me into the theater? If they played TV shows and other events on the big screen.

What about the motorcycles with blinking headlights? Those are about as distracting as they get.

Those are xenon bulbs that they’ve put into a halogen housing. Big no-no, as xenon bulbs don’t emit light in the same fashion as halogens, causing that messy, blinding, total bro-mobile look.

bro-trucks with those obnoxious blue lights that aren’t HIDs but just Bright as Shit are rejoicing.


Users of the app in a Dallas suburb recently rallied to put a stop to an "affordable housing" complex on vacant land near their neighborhood. The complaints of "an increase in crime" were quickly replaced by "too much traffic for the area" and "not enough teachers in the school" or "no public transportation options