
Incorrect. Most early adopters of the NES myself included, got it before SMB was released.

It took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out that arcade was a greenscreened fake graphic.

Wow. You’re not wrong... VERY close to ES.

Now playing

Speaking of Final Fantasy - The latest one (FFXV) has some amazing music, though one track sounds extremely familiar: (skip to 0:53 to hear the main theme)

Heard it immediately, and I’ve barely even played Dragon Quest. What blockhead thought that was a good idea?

Except it’s not the opposite? He’s literally saying, “My game isn’t sexist, but it does treat women as little more than sex objects and rewards for the male protagonists”, which is textbook narrative sexism.

Obligatory mention that having attractive or sexy people doesn’t make something sexist, it’s how you treat said characters. If, as the developer says, he’s used them as “passive sexual objects” it’s probably atleast a twinge sexist. I’m not saying anyone should blow this out of proportion as the worst thing evarrr.

The dev sounds like the oversensitive one here.

1. no
2. the warning in this case was the dev putting a chip on their shoulder to dare anyone into getting into a fight about it
3. “triggered” is a really tacky meme that undermines the lives of PTSD sufferers and abuse victims, please knock it off

How so very very “I’m not racist, but”

Unless there’s more posts that don’t have the “Subnautica” tag.... there’s three this month, and two in January. And the third one this month was about them firing a guy for bad tweets, not really a paid-for puff piece.

I don’t envy developers for trying to make sense of the bug reports people send them.

I think my eyes are bleeding after looking at the spelling and grammar in the captions.

And what do you think of those menus?

Amano’s original artwork for Terra had her blonde, but the spritework and the portrait used in the original SNES release had her with the iconic mint green hair. Dissidia had the blonde hair be the normal outfit, and the mint green be the alternative outfit. I feel the mint green is more recognizable, especially with

A thousand times this. If V and VI got THIS treatment I would be absolutely ecstatic.

I wish they did either a) a full 3D remake like III and IV for the DS or b) that above. The RPG Maker look of one of the best RPGs ever made is just wrong.

You realize there’s a big difference between saying violent video games will turn you into a mass-murdering psychopath and saying that depictions of women in video games should change, right?

Eh. Somehow, I lived through the great social panics over rap (and Tipper Gore’s eventual push to implement those lovely “Parental Warning: Explicit Content” stickers on albums), Mortal Kombat (seriously, Congressional hearings over that shit), and DOOM without ever developing the desire to harm anyone.

...and I was a

Not this shit again.