Nah, that’s all pretty early on stuff, if I remember correctly. There are plenty of other other big twists.
Nah, that’s all pretty early on stuff, if I remember correctly. There are plenty of other other big twists.
Legend of Legaia.
So it’s really more of a keyclub, right? Or a keypipe? I feel conflicted calling it a keyblade.
I LOVE Final Fantasy, but I cancelled my account because I was frustrated with the housing. Something I was pumped about since the beginning when I beta-tested and heard it was a far-off dream. And now, instead of a dream, it’s my nightmare. I don’t plan on playing FFXIV again, and it’s a shame, but this whole mess…
The soundtrack isn’t anything mind-blowing. Just a lot of loud dubs and wubs. But there are a few moments where you hears bits of the original movie’s soundtrack. That was cool. The movie is fantastic, though.
Solid choices on Jason’s end. I think Super Mario RPG should be a mandatory part of the curriculum in our grade schools.
I’m a pretty solid Final Fantasy fan here. I even buy the shitty games. But seriously, can we kill off the FFXV multimedia empire and move on at some point? This game looks cool, but I’m getting tired of Square Enix milking this cash-cow dry. The main characters were kinda cool, but not…
Fun fact: in the original Aladdin story, Aladdin is from China. Also, the story was added by the French translator of One Thousand and One Nights when he heard the story from a Syrian merchant he met. It wasn’t in the original compilation.
Thanks! I look forward to making up the ten years or so that I didn’t comment on anything.
Surprisingly, everyone is better at Archer than Fran and the same goes for Machinist and Balthier. I know in the first game, Fran and Balthier were actually slower with their assumed weapons than everyone else was, so bows and guns are actually their worst weapons, respectively. Kind of a weird tidbit, but I’m not…