
At the risk of defending The Process, if you had no travel plans, why didn’t you renew by mail? Unless you’re dealing with children or some unique circumstance, most can be renewed by mail to avoid all that:

The best way to renew your passport is through the mail, with lots of time before the passport expires. If your passport isn’t expired, the renewal process is really easy.

If you

You CAN mail it in for renewal. I did it. It’s easy. Fill out the form. Send the form, some photos, and your old passport to an office in Charleston. A few weeks later your new passport arrives in the mail. They even sent my old one back with holes punched in it (of course) so I can have the souvenir of my previous

I had to get a new passport and I had to go to the post office as well, but they actually did take photos, but holy shit, $15 for two, 2X2 photos?! Fucking robbery man. But I’m still too lazy to attempt it on my own, and probably fail, and just have to pay the $15 anyway.

Where I’m from they will actually take your picture and print it for you at no cost at the passport office.

You can actually take your own picture, resize it online, and send it in with your application. I had a coworker take mine in front of a blank wall in our office and, since I couldn’t wear my glasses or smile AND it was the morning after Election Day 2016 and I hadn’t slept all night for fear of impending doom, I look

Can you not mail it? I understand the process for Tom, who needed his passport yesterday (literally) but if I’m renewing my Canadian passport I mail it with the paperwork etc. and two weeks later I get my passport.

I agree that the story didn’t pack the same emotional depth that XC 1 did, but it’s a hell of a lot stronger than XC X. Some characters were enjoyable, but most importantly the game play was streamlined into this buttery smooth amalgamation of auto to arts to special attacks with the ultimate build up to the chain

Haters gonna hate.



it just makes a yank think of a bunch of dudes named ted hanging out in a jungle, probably in plaid flannel. We don’t associate it with “bears”

Sometimes I forget you’re Australian, and then I read a phrase like “jungle teds” and then I’m like ohhh yeah.

it’s “effects” Madison.

If you didn’t already know that bullying is bad, you’re a fucking idiot. I was going to use a euphemism, but no: you’re fucking dumb as a stump if you don’t know that bullying is not good

What have you done!? My hopes have now been crushed! I have been waiting for insane franchise sequel number 6 since 2011!

So ridiculous. I listened to the podcast yesterday and I could tell that there were lines in there that other sites would misinterpret. It doesn’t take a genius to understand the context from that Splitscreen interview. I feel like all these other games journalists are just purposefully misinterpreting in order to

I lol’d at this because, while I know you meant Point Of Sale, I thought piece of shit. And everything gamestop does is shitty lol.

Yes, I almost missed it too because it’s buried in the article. The description is actually a bit cringeworthy, but this is the same TV station that found a psychologist to say being “transracial” and converting to a new religion is the same thing so.....