
What a brave woman. Not that I’d want to spend any time with a person like Rusty, but I’m glad someone did just so we can understand why he does what he does. We may not agree with his actions (I certainly don’t), but I appreciate that someone took the time to find out WTF Rusty’s damage is in case it can be fixed.

Actually, there are two prime places to put the Zodiac story into. If you place the FFT in the second umbral era and the second astral era for the FFXII it would work. Long enough to be a legend of ages of ago.

This is fan-goddamn-tastic, and one of the many reasons FF XIV will continue to get my monthly sub fee for years to come; so many callbacks, so much lore-based fanservice, and a pretty goddamned robust MMO underpinning it all.

...if only they could do something about player housing (and maybe not making high-end

It was picked up not because of anything he was wearing, but a bit more to do with how he climbed on a moving schoolbus and went batshit.

what the trump, he’s got an NRA hat, why didn’t he just shoot the damn bus and claim he was standing his ground?

I watched the original again last night and I can’t get over just how immersive it is. It really feels like a window into another world, and in the Final Cut at least, it’s remarkable how well Scott was able to stop the movie from feeling like, well, a movie.

Haven’t seen the new Blade Runner yet, I’m sure it’ll be good, but I’m not sure the soundtrack will hold up against the original.

Now playing

Track: Memories of Green | Artist: Vangelis | Album: See You Later

Do you have a cat or small children, then back roll.

The ONLY valid argument I’ve heard for back roll is when you have a cat that likes to spin the TP roll.

What a fucking joke. Six years later and you have to pay for it if you don’t get it in the first week? You can eat a raw dick, Bethesda.

Clearly the game isn’t for you regardless, but the animation is still essentially made by Ghibli, just not with the official studio as a whole. Like if a work of music was done by all the members of N Sync without saying it was done by the band itself

I was worried when I saw the headline, but the article clearly tells us that the same team is doing the same stuff.

The art direction is lead by the same guy from the first game though...?

I’m not even into fallout but this is the last thing I want out of a Wiki. Its why I can’t stand going to IGN for game news. If you just want a few pieces of information- a video takes way too long. At least for me, 90% of what I look up on the Web can be solved with a little text and/or images. If I want a

Nobody thought it was strange that the titles of two of his collections were “Tous Les Yeux Sur Moi” and “Strictement Pour Mes Niggas”