
Way cool. This would be great if I still had friends.

The judge was black and the chief is black, so I mean to me ... how does that look?

In addition to new games? Absolutely. There are a lot of old AAA games that I’d totally replay (or play for the first time) if I had them on Switch, solely because it’s portable.

More AAA games on Switch are always a good thing.

This is terrible, he didn’t even try. The Cleveland Pawniard? He didn’t go with the Cleveland Escavalier? WTF? Why even feature this MS Paint quality art because it isn’t even clever?

Well clearly not true; obviously I’m a gamer and I am up-to-date with gaming news. Would I be here otherwise? This lack of connection between writer and reader has been a problem for a long time, and one of the biggest complaints I’ve read over the years...sadly the insular nature of gamers is apparent when you read

Yeesh. These were all terrible. Nothing funny or even remotely interesting about any of them. Must every comic seem like some inside joke we’ll never understand? Ugh, it’s so frustrating reading comics with no direction or meaning.

Her ugly shoes, which are ripoffs of higher quality designs!

I think the people reading this website have already figured out Ivanka is just a dumb ineffectual bitch who benefits off of her racist, sexist, asshole father by pretending to be above it all. Let her burn. I want to see her lose everything and I want to see her little plastic surgery nose and cheekbones fall

Got my SMRPG suggestion in Twitter I see!

You don’t make someone play Suikoden II, you allow them the privilege of playing Suikoden II.

The rest of the elite disaster-response team walks resolutely across the tarmac:

I would buy a Switch version just to say I was playing a console port of the mobile port of a console game.

It sounds like Little Orbit is doing their best to unfuck a thoroughly fucked situation. I can’t imagine what Playdek has even been doing to reach this point.

A few mins after I published this article, Little Orbot posted its own update, and it’s... dismal.

Meteor shards only concern me if this is going to be the introduction to microtransaction-heavy progression. Otherwise, this looks like it could be fun. Hoping they let you make female characters as well.

Congratty! A rare occurrence to be ungreyed! Five years and still grey here. =/