
I feel like Bieber would just eat up being able to label himself as someone who robbed someone. I don't want to give him that satisfaction.

That's a lot of terrible things but I'm not sure I'd classify it as attempted robbery.

I love how drinking and getting high translates into "knows how to party." That's the saddest linkage of behavior I've seen in some time.

There's still hope to grab that "most dick pics" or "most pictures of food" record.

I guess "Miami Neutered Brooklyn" didn't have quite the ring?

Thanks, Obama!

This is a league that gives guys 6 year/$60 million deals and cuts them after paying them $8 million over 2 years and never has to cough up the other $52 million... My money is on them to win this fight.

Actually there are things in the Fair Labor Standards Act that do make them exempt. That already happened with the case against the LA Raiders.

She worked there for a year and willingly participated without being compensated... Hmmmmm... I don't think there was promise of pay so I'm not sure why a person would win such a lawsuit but stranger things happen.

Not the best time to perform well in sports and your last name be Jackson. Reggie Jackson, beware!

What do you mean? Chris 'Mad Dog' Russo is an attention starved egomaniac. This is just an audio version of "clickbait" headlines on the Internet. All of a sudden, people are talking about 'Mad Dog' which is giving him attention... game, set, match!

Gotta get out more ;)

Let's be honest... How much could you really trust your hooker around the minibar?

Wouldn't it be easier to know when someone's 15 minutes are almost up by looking at the stopwatch?

This might end up on a loop on my TV to help me sleep at night.

Surprised they went that over this...

What do you expect? These companies minimize expenses in every way, shape and form. Easiest expense to control its labor... Hence the disparity. We lack the social responsibility to avoid financially supporting these businesses. We want everything cheap... This is what that mentality breeds... But the top people won't

Russell Wilson, starting QB, divorced his backup QB wife? No way!!!

We need a top 10 creepiest children moments list... My three nominees: The Shining "Redrum", the kid coming back in Pet Semetary and Colton Burpo's tweets.

She's not naked... she's wearing a clown!