Such a silly comment. Any good field murderer knows you never actually ask if someone wants to be murdered in said field.
Such a silly comment. Any good field murderer knows you never actually ask if someone wants to be murdered in said field.
Nearly an hour in and no one has pointed out the headline says "Goople"... We must have fallen asleep at the wheel. Did anyone mark that on Google Naps?
An American swindles something valuable from Native Americans... No one saw that one coming.
Finding out this was a joke and not real was almost as cruel as finding out there isn't really a Santa.
I might have beaten you by a minute.
The worst thing that can ever happen to you is that you be good at something right away. I mean if you're naturally great that's one thing but a lot of times people start out good and never are driven to be better than good enough.
You've been heard, Rebecca. The next ad campaign is going to surround the skills they give women that can apply to every day life.
I feel dirty for just viewing this post. I wish I owned a robe so I could get a proper shower... Wonder what American Appa...
Appreciate the positive comment. Don't want to turn into a shameless campaigner for the position... I figure the Edible Arrangements I sent should be enough.
I haven't been this shocked about the amount of money spent since an ex-girlfriend left her Victoria's Secret credit card statement out and I saw she dropped $5,500.
At least we can be sure there's no alcohol involved in these celebrations... well, except that beer that hit the news reporter in the face.
I think my Pinterest account was hacked, too... But it was full of butt pics so I can't really tell.
Totally agree and Moto Assist is a good example. And as companies evolve and become more consumer friendly, we will hopefully see more of this.
Now that's GENIUS!
Think of the other big win here... now, instead of Monday being the first day of the week, Wednesday is. Good bye, case of the Mondays... hello, hump day!
The only problem is in most schools Tuesday is Taco Tuesday... and we have to think of the children.
Step 1 - Release all music and movies on Tuesday
Step 2 - Discount movie theater tickets on Tuesday
Step 3 - Extend weekend from 2 to 4 days
Since most of my friends complain that they never win when they play poker online does this give me an even BIGGER advantage than I had in the past?
Considering the frequency with which this happens, that's a lot of user input to fix this nuisance. When doing a system update or switching devices will these changes carry over? That's the only way I can see this being a solution I'd be ok with.
Now I have to resubmit my application to Lifehacker for their open writing position. I think I'll throw out all the old stuff I wrote and just put your reply.